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Orochi summons several portals and several mass-produced vessels emerge from them surprising the allied fleet of Azur Lane and Red Axis.

Me: Damn, so this wretch never runs out of cards to play... (Giggle) But that means that's the last card Orochi has to play, though... Loli Queen's fleet is near.

Outside Enterprise looks analytically at the siren fleet that came as reinforcements, next to her are somewhat damaged zuikaku and Belfast.

Enterprise: [Long-chan, how many enemies are there now?]

Me: [That's 20 battleships, 20 heavy cruisers, 25 light cruisers, and 30 destroyers.]

Zuikaku: Do you think we can take on all those enemies?

Belfast: (Looking at a pocket watch) Don't worry, I think it's time.

Zuikaku: (Doubtful) What are you talking about?

Enterprise: Has the queen's fleet arrived yet?

Me: [Exactly my dear friend!]

QE: [Let the party begin!]

On the horizon you could see the main fleet of the Royal Navy and not only that, also the main fleet of Sakura Empire is with the Royal Navy fleet.


At Nagato's order, all the ships of the empire and the Royal Navy began to fire on the siren fleet, hundreds of projectiles of various calibers fell on the siren fleet and managed to destroy several siren ships.

Cleveland: (Doubtfully) [What was that?]

QE: [Sorry for the delay! But the knights of the round table are here!]

Nagato: [This is Nagato, by my order, the Sakura Empire will re-establish diplomatic ties with the Azur Lane alliance in order to fight against the siren.]

Nagato's voice was calm and strong.

Zuikaku: Girls, did you know about this?

Enterprise and Belfast nod their heads, Zuikaku only laughs.

Enterprise: (sigh) Well, I guess we should finish the job, don't you think so?

Enterprise looks back and sees Akagi who is somewhat depressed.

Akagi: Yes, it's my fault that this has gotten out of control, when this is all over I will take full responsibility for this.

Belfast: You better.

Enterprise: Come on friend, don't pressure Akagi, she is very distressed [To the entire fleet prepare to fire, the enemy is totally unarmed]

QE: [I see you did a good job]

Enterprise: (very cheerful tone) [that's so obvious!]

Essex: [I expected no less from Senpai]

Enterprise/QE/Nagato/Eugen: [Attack the entire fleet!]

All the ships fired, the fighter bombers also attacked Orochi who was motionless and defenseless, this was going to be a very literal slaughter.


Multiple explosions reverberated in the Orochi, the projectiles of various calibers hit the deck of this immense battleship, although at first it resisted this heavy bombardment, however, the armor of this colossus was fatigued until in the end the ship began to receive damage severe and after 40 minutes of merciless bombardment, Orochi was rendered useless.

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