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In the port the Manjuus aboard boats rescue the badly injured Kansen who float unconscious in the sea, in the port there are many ships with severe damage and their owners are working hard to extinguish the fire, in one of the anchor docks a ship that participated in this combat, but unlike the rest did not receive any damage, this ship

On a Long Beach guided missile cruiser, she goes down the gangplank and disembarks and walks down the pier and sees Prince of Wales alongside Illustrious and Unicorn.

Prince of Wales: You have done an excellent job of repelling the enemy forces.

Me: Don't thank me, it's my job after all.

Prince of Wales: (Looking through a binocular) But I must say they caught us off guard, I didn't think they would make a first move.

Illustrious: That they make an alliance with Iron Blood is not a surprise.

PoW: I wonder if they know how dangerous it is to use siren technology.

Illustrious: The Royal Navy forces will also be here in no time, they won't catch us off guard again.

Me: Should we reinforce the patrols?

Illustrious: We don't have a ship to do it, but the main fleets will be here soon.

Wales: But first we have to repair the damage to the ships and the base.

Me: Hm.

Wales: Eagle Union's Enterprise also saved us from this attack, she is definitely a good warrior.

Illustrious: Yeah, she's so cool, so dashing, and so powerful. Without a doubt, she is the strength we need right now.


Something could be heard cutting the sea, everyone looks in that direction and sees Javelin and Laffey anchoring their ship and jump to land on the dock.

Javelin: (sighs of relief) I'm glad no one got seriously hurt.

In that Javelin looks to where Laffey is and is scared to see her lying on the floor.

Javelin: (Scared) Hey! Are you okay, Laffey?

Laffey: Maybe not, too sleepy.

In that Wales, Illustrious, Unicorn and Long Beach arrive walking.

Unicorn: Oh, Javelin, Laffey.

Me: Do you need help?

Javelin: Yes, I need help Unicorn, are you okay?

Unicorn: Yes, I'm fine, thanks to Enterprise I'm fine.

Me: (looking in my pockets) Maybe I have an energy drink for you.

Laffey: I need a drink urgently, plus I'm hungry and sleepy.

In that he pulls an oxy tail out of nowhere and takes it.

Me: Where did you get that drink from?

Illustrious: They must be tired, right? Go rest for a while.

Then Wales, Illustrious and Unicorn turn around and walk towards the base.

Javelin: Excuse me.

Me: Rest is also a soldier's duty, you can't put too much pressure on yourself that is unhealthy.

Javelin: I see, what are you doing later?

Me: Me? I don't know, maybe he'll help with the base repairs.

Javelin: I see.

Me: Well, without further ado, I'm leaving, see you later.

Time skip

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