My Little Pony: Queen Chrysalis x Male Reader

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You found queen chrysalis while on quest to get an artifact she thinks your cute and offers you a chance to be her slave you refuse and knock her out you sell the artifact to the museum and all that's left is what to do with chrysalis, she wakes up thinking about what you'll do to her she notices you staring at her body and your hard on then immediately snaping out of it and covering your crotch area, she later uses it to her advantage, you bring her food and she tells you changelings feed on love but she's been feeding on semen and love (mostly semen) to survive, you tell her you'll turn her over to the authorites, noticing your diverting eye contact with her body and remembering what happened earlier she offers you herself to you as your personal cum dump / servant.

You notice her mind powers are at work but you give in just to get rid of this hard on, you fuck her in that position:

Till you cum then take her from behind while breaking her spell and just making her yours while she's moaning about making her your broodmare and giving her your children and in general, breeding talk you finish in a mating press and months later ...

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Till you cum then take her from behind while breaking her spell and just making her yours while she's moaning about making her your broodmare and giving her your children and in general, breeding talk you finish in a mating press and months later she's preggers with twins

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