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You were thrilled. 

You were going to go on a date with the Madrigal shapeshifter, who was now your boyfriend, arranged specially by his family. They welcomed you with open arms, more excited than you for future events the two of you would embark on together. 

These past few days were magical, you thought. Having Camilo as your significant other was one of the best things that ever happened in your life. 

"Hey, sis," Adri peeked from the door frame, glancing at your figure as you sat on your bed while folding your clothes. "Pepa and Dolores are waiting for you," 

The pair promised to help you find a new outfit for tonight's date with Camilo, they wanted to make sure he'll be mesmerized by your beauty. Moreover, they wanted to use the time to get to know you better. A girl's shopping trip would be a good excuse for that. 

What you were unaware of was what Felix Madrigal planned before he could wholeheartedly entrust his son's safety and love in your hands. 

"Sorry, I was cleaning up," You apologized to the two women in front of your door who neatly presented themselves. Pepa was the first to speak, a wry smile forming on her lips. 

"It's okay, sweetie," She wrapped an arm around your neck as she gently pulled you between her and Dolores. "We just arrived anyways," Her words were reassuring, only making you slightly embarrassed for making them wait.

The two of them shared a knowing glance, Dolores shifting her eyes quickly between a market stall to her mother. The older woman took notice and immediately understood what she tried to say. Winning those charade nights paid off in these kinds of situations. 

"Say, let's get something to eat, I'm starving," Pepa said rather exaggeratedly. You didn't want to seem rude for pointing it out and only gave a small giggle at her mannerisms. 

"I just got breakfast," You tilted your head, wanting to deny the offer. But they were not giving up that easily. 

"I haven't eaten yet, amiga," Dolores spoke softly. "Sorry, I'm hungry." 

"Oh, my dear daughter is hungry, can we get something real quick, (Y/N)?" The mother spoke as if in a hurry, causing you to cock an eyebrow in confusion. Reluctantly, you let them dash in the other direction leaving you behind to wonder what they were in a hurry for. Maybe they were just really hungry. 

A lot has changed in Encanto ever since the Madrigals have reconciled, the townspeople have become more independent in their daily jobs, not wanting to give the family more work than they need to. They even gave Luisa some time to take a break. It was even more fantastical when Mirabel had finally gotten the recognition she deserved. She was no longer looked at as the useless Madrigal, but as someone who led everyone into a new era of magic. Everyone even talked about and with Bruno without fear. 

There was a change in everyone's lives, mostly a good change. It was a shame how good things never last. 

At the corner of your eye, you could see a red vehicle made of metal, running on gasoline as it emitted smoke from a pipe underneath it. The people around it remained unbothered, unable to see the out of place automobile in their midst. Its surroundings blurred and slowly a vague image of a building with glass windows and an automatic door sliding open came into view. In a minute, the weird setting faded behind the bustling crowds. 

"What the.." You took a step forward, about to examine the strange phenomenon but was stopped by a hand grabbing your arm. Yelping, you immediately turned your head to come face-to-face with Dolores who looked at you confused. 

"(Y/N), are you okay?" She asked, concern evident within her words. Not wanting to ruin the amazing sunny day, you chose to shrug off the strange occurrence. 

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