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     The strong smell of decaying garbage flooded your nose, the squeaking noises of rats accompanied by tiny cockroaches was enough to wake you up from your deep slumber. Opening your eyes, a warm and wet sensation dripped from your forehead reaching your mouth. You licked your lips to taste iron, an all too familiar taste when you would get splinters. 


You groaned, eyes fluttering open as a dim light barely illuminated your surroundings. "What the.." Your eyes scanned your environment, nose scrunching up in disgust as rodent waste was scarcely visible next to filled trash bags. Your body sat on a chair with your wrists tied behind your back by thick ropes expertly knotted, blood circulation deeming difficult. 

Attempting to stand, you could only find your ankles tied together, rope attaching the knot to each leg of the chair. Escaping was going to be hard, you thought. Turning your head side to side, the infrastructure of the room was sort of similar to that of an interrogation room. Concrete grey walls, blocked windows, and a light just above you hanging from the ceiling. 

What happened? The last thing you could remember was the supposed date with Camilo. One thing was for sure, you were kidnapped. But for what reason? Did you recently fight with someone? You were certain that you hadn't gotten into any feuds among the Encanto community. Oh no, did Alma plan this? 

The door in front of you opened, a loud metal sound grabbing your attention. "Our guest is awake," A low voice chuckled, a wicked laugh following their words. By how they spoke, you could easily deduct that it was a man who brought you here. You narrowed your eyes, adjusting to the bright light that came from behind the door. 

"Who are you?" You spoke weakly. The door closed from behind the anonymous figure, their steps growing louder as the distance between the two of you minimized with each step. "What do you want from me?" 

They pulled a chair from the opposite wall, sitting on it with their legs crossed. As the light quickly made its way to the stranger, an inaudible gasp was released from your lips resulting from shock. 

The familiar curly (h/c) hair and deep blue eyes that held malicious intent, a diabolical smirk creeping up to their lips. He wore a white shirt and a red tie with golden patterns across it, brown pants and brown shoes similar to Agustín's finishing the look. His attire was worn out and soiled, blotches of blood and mud on his sleeves as his pants were tattered and ripped. 

Your eyes grew wide in terror, "F-Father," His eyes smiled devillishly as his smirk, a glint of amusement scorned across his face. 

"Hello, my dear daughter," A maniacal laugh was heard from the man as he mocked your petrified expression. "Missed me?" 

A scowl formed on your face, the other placing a hand on his chest as he acted hurt from your actions. 

"I haven't seen you in years and this is how you greet your old man?" His hand made its way to your chin, forcefully grabbing your face and shaking your head. 

A fatherly side of him was glad to see you alive and well, but another side of him was overjoyed to see how his prey prepared itself just for him to devour it. He wanted to see you suffer, and that was what he'll do. 

You swiftly turned your head to the other side, releasing your chin from his grasp. This vile creature wasn't your father, he was a despicable entity that did nothing but send chaos in your life. Your expression turned sour, glaring daggers at the old man who reacted nothing less than a crazed psychopath; "That's the exact face your mother made when I killed her, like mother like daughter, I guess." His laughter filled your ears as he celebrated at your despair. 

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