Attracted To My Pillow

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Chapter 2: Attracted To My Pillow

Groaning, i threw the covers off my bed and got up. Shuffling over to where my bathrobe laid on the floor. Which i had no clue how it got there. Putting it on over my bra and panties, i followed the sent of waffles to the kitchen.

My brother was at kitchen table wolfing down waffles. Pig.

Then over by the stove was my best guy friend in the whole world, Chance. I couldn't help check out his ass. I had to admit he was very sexy. But he was my best friend, my gay best friend. It was a shame to all women of the world because he was as sexy as fuck, but i loved him anyway!

"I hate mornings." I moaned as i sat down at the island.

My mumbling caught their attention. My brother chocked on his waffles.

"Lia! How many times do i have to tell you. Wear some clothes in the morning!" He looked away from me.

"What?" I looked down to realize i forgot to tie the robe. Again. Every single morning i forget. You would think he would be use to it by now. And with all the women he's banging it's not like he hasn't seen anything before.

"Lia, as much as i love staring at half naked women, I know i'm hot but please keep it your self. Your my sister." Jake said, you could tell he was joking around. Smart ass.

"Oh yeah Jake cause we all know your wishing i was Chrissy." I teased him. He could deny it as much as he wants, but every one knows that he is heads over ass with Chrissy. Seriously, it's true all he does is stare at her ass. It's disturbing. Considering the fact she's like the sister i've always wanted.

"Okay, um just so you know, good morning to you too." Chance butted in.

"Chance no one likes you. Why do you think i was ignoring you horrible face." I giggled. Chance was one of those guys who are always joking.

"Yet i have to see your face in the morning. I think there's a rat stuck in your hair." Chance jabbed my stomach, no caring that i wasn't really wearing anything.

"Hey, you try having thick, long hair that gets tangled on everything. Including pillows. I can't help that my hair is attracted to my pillow." I defended myself.

"Is it because there's a dick on it." He asked. I laughed. Yes there is a dick on my pillow, but not the way you think. It was when me, Chance, Missy ,and Chrissy were drunk a few nights ago. We all though it would be funny to have a dick on our pillows. So our brilliant solution was use permeant mark and draw a huge dick on the pillow. Smart aren't we?

Jake choked on the water he was drinking. "What?! There is a dick on your pillow? I swear i'm gonna kill the guy who was in your room last night." He said with anger. Wait, he thinks it was some dudes. Yeah i wish.

"OMG! Jake you should see you face!" I laughed and fell off my chair. Causing Chance to laugh at me.

"This isn't funny!"Jake shouted, his face all red.

"Yes, you think there was an actually dick on my pillow!" I giggled and pointed to his face.

"There wasn't?" His face still red but the anger was out of his voice.

"I wish." i sighed. Knowing it would freak him out.

"Lia!!!" He shouted.Chance was just sat there laughing his fucking face off.

"Hey. You probably wish that there was a slice of vigina on your pillow right now so don't look at me like that." I accused.

"That's different!" He shouted.

"Really Jake? Do you really want to go all sexiest jerk on me? Cause we all know that i can make sure that you'll never use your balls again."

"Ohhh." Chance smirked from where he was sitting.

"Chance?" I said suddenly very calm. Jake gave me a knowing look.

"Yes." Chance answered, still smirking.

"You do realize that i can make sure you can't use your balls again too. Just because you use them differently isn't gonna stop me." I raised my eyebrow, waiting for him to say something about it.

His eyes widened and he covered his crouch with his hands. Slowly he moved behind the island.

"Um," He turned red. "We should get going. Chrissy and Missy's flight come in an hour an a half."

"Nate's comes in at the same time. Just different flight." Jake said placing his dishes in the sink. Which was filled to the brick with them. Someone remind me to do the dishes at some time in the near future.

"Lets go." I headed towards the door.

"Um, Lia." Chance called.

"Yeah?" I turned around to face them. Jake looked very amused at the moment.

"Er, you outfit." He said.

I looked down. Oh God. I was gonna go out in that.

"Shit!" I took of to the stairs.

"Sometimes i swear your a blonde!" Jake snorted.

I grabbed the closest thing to me, which was a picture in a fame of me. I turned and chucked it straight at his balls. It successfully hit him where the sun don't shine. Making his face turn red with pain as he fell to the ground groaning.

"Ha." Chance snorted. I grabbed a flower vase and chucked it. He ended up next to Jake a stream of curses coming form his mouth.

"There is nothing wrong with blondes!" I shouted and skipped up the stairs happy that i could cause them pain.

Chrissy and Missy would be proud. Damn i missed them.


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