Like A Boob Master In A Bra Store

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Chapter 12: Like A Boob Master In A Bra Store

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"No! Now shut the fuck up." Jake growled. I snorted behind my hand. It was just too easy to get him worked up.

Me and Chrissy have been bugging him since we pulled out of the driveway. I know the old saying of how your not suppose to bug the driver. But Jake's the exception to the rule.

The way the vain in his neck pops out and his face is scrunched up making him look constipated. It was just inhuman to not bug him.

"Lia. You just don't know when to stop do you?" Chance's face popped up next to me, as he leaned in from the very back seats.

"Oh I know when to stop. But doesn't mean I'm gonna." I patted his dirty blonde mop of a head.

"You do realize we are going 75mph on a highway. Maybe you should behave." Missy's head popped up on the other side of me. Her calm voice sounded like a mother scolding her children.

"Chance, will you tell miss worry pants back there that everything is okay." I gave Chance a look. He nodded and turned to Missy.

"Missy. Everything is okay. Jake is a safe driver." He told her. I decided to eavesdrop on there conversation. Because Chrissy was currently leaning up front flirting with Nate. Jake was scolding her, while keeping his eyes on the road.

Impressive bro, your girl is flirting with you best friend. Pretty heavily may I add, and you are still focus on safe driving. That takes balls.

"I'm sorry that I want to live to see tomorrow." Missy exaggerated.

"Missy," I turned around to face them."We all know that Jake is as safe a driver as a Granny trying to get the the salon."

"That makes no sense." Chance responded. His face scrunched up.

"Chance you look constipated eat some bran, and it makes perfect sense." I flicked his scrunched up nose.

"Really? How so?"He argued back. I rolled my eyes. Doesn't he know he'a not gonna win this?

"Little old lady's are always going into the salon to get perms. There for they are always extremely careful because they don't want to ruin their hair."

"So does that mean you will become one of those old ladies getting their short white hair permed." Chance teased, I could just see those wheels turning in his head.

"Are you kidding? I don't get white or grey hairs." I flung my thick hair over my shoulder. There was no way I was letting this giant mop turn into short white hair.

"Everyone does Lia." Chance stuck is tongue out at me.

"That means you will to Chance." I stuck my tongue out right back. Very mature, I know.

"Will you two stop. You're both acting like five year olds." Missy scolded us.

"At least I'm a hot five year old." Chance stuck out his chest. Looking proud of him self.

"At least I'm not a pedo." I poked Chance's chest.

"Who's a pedo?" Chrissy so lovely decided to join our conversation.

"Chance is talking about hot five year olds." I snickered.

"Chance. It's not nice to think about five year old boys that way." Chrissy shook her head in a disappointed manner.

"Aren't you supposed to be a whore and flirt with your lovers best friend?" Chance shot back at her. A questioning look on his face.

"Already did. I got them arguing on Lia's breast size." She laughed causing me to choke on my spit. Which made her laugh even harder. "I wonder what Lia's choking on? Could it be Nate's-"

I covered her mouth with my hand. "Not another word smart ass. I would like to know why my brother and his best friend are discussing my boob size."

"Well at first they were arguing mine, but I just told then it. then I said 'The real question is who knows Lia's size?' Ta da!" Chrissy exclaimed.

"You talk to these fat cats," I waved at Missy and Chance. "I'll talk to those meat heads." Pointing at the two up front.

"I'm not fat!" Missy and Chance wailed in unison. I just ignored them and leaned up front.

"Hey guys." I inserted myself into there conversation.

"Lia, aren't i right. You're bra size is 36A?" Jake asked.

"No, I said you're are a 34D." Nate argued.

"I think I know my sister's bra size!" Jake yelled.

"We all know I was better at judging boobs. You were always the ass man your self." Nate retorted.

Before Jake could open his mouth I interfered. "You're both wrong!"

"Then what size are you?" They both asked. I rolled my eyes.

To think, I deal with this in a daily basis.

"I'm a 34B. These babies are a 34B. Okay!" I pointed to my boobs.

"I was closer." Nate gloated. Crossing his arms behind his head. Looking like a boob master in a bra store.

"Nah, I was." Jake whined like a little kid.

I'm not dealing with this. I turned back around to talk to my friends. Ah, normal friends who don't argue about things that do not need arguing.

"Whales have Penises!!"

"I've never seen one!"

Well that went out the door faster than I thought

"I'm not dealing with this." Pulling my iPhone out, I pushed the earbuds into my ears and turned up the volume.

Here I was the only sane one not arguing about something stupid. In a car with a bunch of shouting idiots. Traveling down the highway, on the way to the beach.

How has life come to this??


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