Chapter 11

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"Jeongyeon and I booked our flights already. we will leave seoul at 8:00 PM in the evening. have you already informed your sister about our holiday trip?.." Nayeon asked.

"Yeah, she's already aware Nayeon Unnie."

"Why you so gloomy? Did something happen???."

"Tzuyu is occupying my mind." Sana frustrating pout to Nayeon.

"You must be really in love to her."

"I need to fight this feelings Unnie. This is not right.."

"The question is, Can you still fight for it? from what I can see now, it seems like you can't. you fall even more in love with your sister."

"What should I do Nayeon Unnie?."

"You know what, Love is a difficult opponent. Sana, no matter what you do, you will still lose. Why did you let yourself fall for Tzuyu."

"I don't know Unnie. I actually pushing her now to Mina and everytime she's hanging out with Mina I feel so irritated. I hate to admit it but I'm getting jealous."

"Ohhhh, speaking of.."


"Hi, Nayeon Unnie."

Sana's heart beat so fast the moment she hear Tzuyu's voice. She slowly turned around and she saw Tzuyu and Mina together.

"Hi, Sana ~ Chan.."

"You're here." Tzuyu said as she looks at Sana.

"Yeah, I'm getting bored at home that's why I decided to visit Nayeon Unnie's flower shop."

"Momo ~ Chan wanted to hangout with you but she's currently busy at the dance studio right now."

"Yeah, I know she texted me." Sana said.

"So, What are you guy's doing here? Where did you guys go by the way?."

"Ah, we went to the art exhibit earlier, I asked Tzuyu to accompany me." Mina said.

"Aw, that's so sweet of you Tzuyu.." Nayeon smile as she playfully hit Tzuyu's shoulder.

Tzuyu and Sana made an eye contact but Sana immediately averted her gaze.

"What's her problem. Is she mad again?." Tzuyu asked herself.

"Uhm, Nayeon Unnie. I'll go ahead now.."

"You're going home already?." Tzuyu asked. " Do you want me to send you home?."

"No need, I can take care of myself."

"Uhm, Okay? Take care then."

After visiting Nayeon, Tzuyu and Mina decided to go in the nearest cafe to have some coffee before going home.

"Did you guy's fight?.."


"Sana ~ Chan.."

"No, we're good."

"Are you sure? Sana ~ Chan seems not in a mood earlier. You guy's are also avoiding each other's eyes. Did something happen?.."

"Don't worry Mina Unnie we are okay. Maybe Sana Unnie isn't in the mood right now."

"I wonder what's her problem. I'm worried."

"I will talk to her later Unnie so don't worry.."

"Okay, by the way thank you for accompanying me today.."

"It's okay :) you can message me anytime if you need a companion."

"Komawo ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩') .."

Dangerously In Love - SATZU [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now