Chapter 33

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Los Angeles, California

"Where are they?." Mr.Minatozaki asked

"I asked Sana and they're at the airport already waiting for their flight."

"That's good."

"Have you talk to your lawyer already?."


"What if Tzuyu will not going to agree?."

"She will, She definitely will."

"Your daughter is asking me about what happened to Tzuyu."

"What do you mean? Did Sana notice her behavior already?."

"I think so. She asked me the other day because Tzuyu is not feeling good. Tzuyu's friend called Sana that time."

"Don't worry, I explain to Sana when she comes here."

Meanwhile, Tzuyu and Sana are currently at the airprot and they're waiting for their flight.

"Bao Bei, I bought you some coffee."

"Thank You :) .."

"Are you excited?."

"Yeah. I badly want to see Mom and Dad already."

"You will be able to see them soon :) .."


After 13 hours 35 minutes they already arrived at LAX International airport, The Minatozaki immediately saw them at the arrival area..

"Sana.." Mrs.Minatozaki happily greeted her daughter. "あなたに会いたかった。"
(I missed you.)

"「お母さんも会いたかった。」" (I missed you too Mom).  Sana smile and hugs her Mom.

"I'm glad that you came here."

"Me too Dad, it's nice to see you again."

"Tzuyu.." Mrs.Minatozaki hugs Tzuyu.

"Hi, Mom.."

"We are happy that finally we are complete. We are thankful because you guy's came here."

"Sana Unnie, misses you a lot that's why she didn't hesitate to go here and see you."

"How about you? How's your staying in Korea?."

"It's good Dad. I love to live there."

"Are you learning many things?."


"That's good to hear. How about your health?."

"Uhmm..." Tzuyu suddenly looks at Sana and Sana was just staring at her waiting for her answer. "I-I'm okay dad. I'm fine."

"That's good. Let's go now. Your Mom cooks  dinner for the both of you."

After 30 minutes of driving they already arrived at Minatozaki's residence.

"Sana I cooked Japanese food for you, I know you are not use to eat foods here so I decided to cook asian food."

"Thank you Mom." "お母さん、ありがとう。)

"By the way, we only have 2 rooms here. It's okay for the both of you to share one room right?." Mr.Minatozaki asked.

Tzuyu and Sana looks at each other.

"Sana you can share room with your sister. Her big is room, that's quite enough for the both of you. Is it alright?." (サナはお姉さんと部屋を共有できます。彼女の大きな部屋はお二人にとっては十分です。大丈夫ですか?)

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