Chapter 45

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Tzuyu went to her work while Sana visits Nayeon's flower shop.

"Really? She will going to attend Seoul National University as well?."

"Yes, Nayeon Unnie.we already inquire and they will accept Tzuyu if she already pass the examination."

"Wow, that's good to hear then. So Tzuyu will going to stay here for good.."


"By the way, is your parents aware now about your relationship?."

"No, not yet Nayeon Unnie but soon I will going to tell them. Maybe after my graduation..."

"Okay, much better."

"I'm just worried, what if they will not going accept our relationship?."

"Well, you guys need to face that. You know that there's a consequences for your relationship right? But if you guys really love each other then you must fight for it."

"Right, I need to be strong for Tzuyu. If need to fight my love for her, then I will."

"Don't worry, because we just here for the both of you. If we understand the relationship you have with Tzuyu, I'm sure your parents will definitely understand it too..."

"I hope so Unnie.."


Meanwhile, Chaeyoung asked permission to Somi as she will going to accompany Tzuyu at the mall to buy something.

"Somi, is so kind." Tzuyu said.

"She is. By the way, what are you going to buy???."

"Uhmm, I want to buy a promise ring for Sana."

"A promise ring???.."


"Wow ~~ You're getting more romantic Tzuyu ~ ah.."

"I just want her to feel that I always keep her in my heart. That's why I decided to buy a promise ring..."

"Wow, For sure Sana Unnie will gonna be happy to receive that ring Tzu."

Tzuyu and Chaeyoung stroll around until they went to the expensive and fancy jewelry botique..

"Daebak, all the rings are beautiful Tzu.."

"I know, and I'm having a hard time to chose."

Tzuyu is busy looking for the rings in the display when one the staff walks closer to them.

"Hi, Ma'am may I help you?."

"Uhmm, Hi. I'm looking fora promise ring. All these rings are classic and beautiful. I can't chose."

"Are you going to give it to your boyfriend Ma'am?."

"No, it's for my girlfriend." Tzuyu smile.

"I see, please follow me. I will show you some promise rings."

Tzuyu and Chaeyoung follow the staff and the staff show them the top 5 most best-selling rings.

"These are the most best selling rings in our store. I know the price is too expensive it's worth it and your partner will probably like it."

"I want this." Tzuyu said as she pointed the couple rings that engraved a sun and a moon.

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