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We surrender ourselves to the other part of ourselves in the presence of the supreme power, to which everyone bows. We vow to be a part of the other half in his presence, and we make ourselves a part of them. They extend their families, combining two families into one. Marriage is much more than the union of two people, two souls, and one body. It also carries sacredness and holiness. It manifests the emotional rainbow by combining the six emotions. There is joy, there are tears, there is sorrow, and there is fear. Every step of the way is full of surprises and excitement. There are both gifts and memories. There is the beginning of a new life, and then there is the leaving of a piece of yourself behind. One part of you dies, and a new one emerges. That is the cycle, and this is one important of it. The institution of marriage and huge and wide, holding into it all forms of it, but when there is beauty, grab that.

Ameesha and Abhiraj were in the phase of transition as they sat in the splendidly covered mandap, of flowers and drapes, with the priest and the sacred fire blazing in front of them, while the others stayed surrounding them. The mantras were being chanted, signifying the essence of it, uniting them in front of the holy fire, blessing them for the life of love and togetherness. The vows were recited and the commitments made, to never be broken. The hearts were stringed as one as they circumambulated around the fire, hands held, and were finally pronounced husband and wife, as he filled the partition with the vermillion. A sob escaped her lips, as it happened with the tears tumbling down, with the soaring happiness and the pain of separation. Finally, it was time, for her to leave this place, this home, and enter the new home waiting to embrace her.

Abhiraj clasped her hand, and brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on the back of her palm, saying nothing but assuring her with the silence. He understood that he couldn't feel her emotions at the moment, but he also knew that he had promised to hold her hand no matter what.

The wedding rituals continued till the wee hours of the morning and thus everyone tired retired to their rooms, for the bidaai, in a few hours. The couple to were made to have rest in the room prepared especially for the couple. All her friends had ample time to tease her, insinuating her about the night of passion, finally letting her go, when she was red enough, shying at the comments and remarks made.

Her heart was pounding now. The days flew by in the blink of an eye, and the coming day haunted her, forcing her to imagine how this would evaporate in the air, leaving only the humidity, which, as it became heavier, would rain as tears. She'd never cried at such thoughts before, but they were bothering her now, robbing her of sleep and sanity. She has always believed in her strength, which she has masked up for years. The few days, she perceived couldn't break the strength, but now as the clock was ticking she was realizing this was all a façade, a lie that she has built for herself trapped her in it, securing her, portraying her the strongest person, when in the confines and her cocoon she shed it away. The hands were shivering but not with the cold, but with the innate fear of seeing all coming to end if even it wasn't genuine which she doubted. Palpitation was returning as she felt her whole body thud like a heart.

Sidharth was back in his place, the place he shared with her all these days. He was occupied with Sana leaving in a few hours, and also her sister. In all these days, where he hardly managed to have time for anything, he carved out time to spend with her. In her presence, the weariness would dissolve. The connection he felt with her was so new to him. It wasn't like any other connection. The apprehension of her leaving, despite knowing all, he couldn't come to like it. He wanted to have more time with, a lot more but was inconclusive of the reasons. He was returning when his eyes collided with hers. She shuddered at that connection. His presence was making her go insane. If all these days she found her solace in his presence, she was finding the origin of her restlessness in his presence. Being near him or even around him was hurting her, and she took that pain to her, to have one more night with him, under the stars, surrounded by silence, staying in silence but peace. So, instead of retreating her steps back she walked ahead, to him, but never stopped as he followed her out on the lawn on the same bench under the same stars and the sky, only the moon wasn't the same tonight.

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