New Song~

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Y/n Pov

"Y/n, honey! We're moving!"


"Remember the prefecture your brother's cafe is in?"


"Mhm. Well, we're moving there. And you're receiving a full academic scholarship to Shiratorizawa Academy! Hurry and pack! We're leaving this weekend. Say goodbye to your friends!"

"What?! You're moving?!" Lev whined.

I nodded, tears in my eyes. "They just sprung it up on me. I don't wanna leave you guys."

Yaku rubbed my back in an attempt to comfort me. "It's ok. It's not your fault. You had no say in the matter."

Kuroo nodded, trying to help. "You can always call and text whenever. We'd love to keep talking to you. You're our manager, after all."

I sniffed. "It was only for two weeks, though..."

Kenma finally looked up from his psp. "True... but you're still our manager, Y/n. And all the second and third years are gonna miss our favorite first year."

"Hey! What about me?!" Lev whined, looking at his senpai.

Yaku glared. "Maybe if you'd stop sucking at volleyball, stop being so stupid, and be more like Y/n, we'd like you more."

I giggled as Lev pouted. "Thanks, senpai. I really will miss you all. And I promise I won't be the manager of any other team. Even if I'm all the way on the other side of the world, I'll always be the Nekoma boys' volleyball club's manager!"

Kuroo chuckled, sliding over to me and wrapping an arm around my waist. "You'll always be our little songbird, Y/n~."

Yaku hit him. "Stop flirting with our kouhai!"

"Ow! You didn't need to hit me! I was just messing around!"

Kenma looked at me. "If we weren't here, Kuroo probably wouldn't have stopped there."


Lev and I laughed while watching our senpai bicker.
The tall boy turned to me. "I'm really gonna miss your voice, Y/n. Alisa will miss you too."

I blushed lightly. "I'll miss you guys too. And call me whenever Lev. I'll always be willing to sing to you..."

He had a huge smile on his face. "Then I'll be calling you every night!" He pulled me close to his chest.

I blushed a deep red. "O-ok..."
I slowly wrapped my arms, or tried to, around the larger boy.

Our senpai stopped and looked at us.
Kuroo smirked. "Ooh~. Look at these lovebirds."

Could I get any redder? I probably just did.

Lev looked at Kuroo, confused. "Lovebirds?"

I moved away a little. "S-stop messing around, senpai." I looked away, completely embarrassed.

Lev looked back at me. "You will call and sing to me everyday, right Y/n?"
He gave those eyes... I just can't resist them.

"O-of course, Lev!"

He hugged me again. "Yay! Thank you, Y/n! I totally love you!"

'Omgomgomg! Lev just said he loves me! I can die happy and peacefully now!'

Yaku hit him. "Enough of that! She needs to breathe, ya know!"

After a while, they all gave me hugs and we said goodbye.
Of course, the day I left, they had all wanted to say goodbye at the train station. We hugged and cried. My parents had to start pulling me while Kuroo and Yaku held Lev back.
In the end, he was planning to hug me till I missed the train so I could stay in Tokyo, in Nekoma.

Even on the train, I couldn't stop crying. I texted my four friends the entire time. Lev kept trying to beg me to come back and stay in Tokyo. I think I cried harder at that moment than I have ever cried in my entire life.

I had to leave my school.
My home.
My team.
My senpais.
My friends.
My crush.

And this was a new start.
Like always, I wrote some songs based on my emotions.
This time, I wrote a new song.
For my new start.
In a new prefecture.
In a new house.
In a new school.

We had moved in with my brother, B/n.

<A/N: I'm too lazy to think of a name and don't wanna make things difficult. If you don't have a brother, just think of a random name>

He was more than happy to let us stay with him. "I might not be around much. My cafe gets a lot of customers sometimes."

"Cafe?" I looked at my brother. "Do you need any performers?"

He smiled. "Oh, I'd love for my baby sis to come sing at my cafe whenever she has free time."

I smiled. "I don't plan on doing anything for school other than study. So I'll be with you a lot. Where's the cafe?"

"It's actually down the street from your new school."

"Oh, so I can stop there on my way home after school. That makes things so much easier!"

My family went silent. My parents looked at each other.
My brother turned to them. "She doesn't know?"
They shook their heads.

"What is it, B/n?"

He looked back at me, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "Shiratorizawa makes their students stay in dorms. So you'll be living on the campus, not here at home with us."


"Sorry for not telling you sooner, sweetie." My mom apologized, but I didn't look at her.

"No, no. It's fine. When do I move into the dorm?"

My dad spoke to me. "Well... tomorrow is Saturday, so we're going to get your uniform. They said you can move in Sunday."


"Sweetie." My mom came closer to me. "They didn't have any single dorms available... so you're going to have a roommate."

I nodded. "That's fine. I'm going to bed now. It's been a long day."
I went up to my room and flopped down on the bed, not bothering to unpack. I'll be moving into a dorm within the next two days, there's no point.
I was just tired and closed my eyes. Sleep slowly took over my body.

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