Her Voice...

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I began my performance, singing all the songs I've ever written myself. It made me happy. I was in top shape today.
My guitar felt perfect in my arms (I play left handed).
My voice sounded better than ever, everything was flowing perfectly. I was completely focused on my music that I didn't noticed a certain group of guys enter the cafe.

<A/N: I'm not using songs by other people, if I write lyrics in here they are actually my own cuz I do write songs and I do play guitar, in which I'm left handed>

Semi Pov

Practice ended and all of us guys went to the locker room to shower and change. We were all hungry, of course, and were talking about getting food afterwards.

The unexpected happened- Shirabu spoke up.

"There's this really good cafe not too far from the campus. Why not go there?" The salty second year setter spoke so nonchalantly.

Everyone turned to him.

Tendou took this opportunity to tease him. "What's this? Kenjirou-kun is suggesting a place for the whole team to go?"

He frowned. "Shut up. You all were discussing, I just gave my own input. Not that weird."

Ushijima nodded. "Well, if Shirabu thinks this place is good, maybe we should try it."

No arguments from anyone. If Ushijima's curiosity got peaked, then everyone was onboard. We quickly finished up in the locker room and left.
We walked to the cafe, Shirabu leading the way since he was the only one who's been there before.

We stepped inside and there was such a sweet aroma filling the entire building. We all sat down at a table, placing our orders.
The lights suddenly dimmed, lights getting brighter over what seemed to be a stage.

None of the other guys were really paying attention, but I looked over at the stage.
There was a beautiful girl with silky-looking h/l h/c hair, the most beautiful shining e/c eyes I've ever seen, along with such soft-looking s/c skin.
She was sitting on a stool, a mic in front of her. She held a f/c acoustic guitar, but she was playing left-handed?!

She started singing with the most clear and beautiful voice I've ever heard.

"My heart stopped... the moment you looked at me. My whole world turned upside down, the moment you grabbed my hand. You dragged me to neverland!
You pulled me along to a world that I've never been, never seen. Wouldn't have found this place without you."

My heart skipped a beat the moment her lyrics came out. My face felt hot, my heart might just beat out of my chest.

Unfortunately, my staring and blush didn't go unnoticed by the team.

"Oh? What do we have here? Did Semisemi fall in love?"

I whipped around to face the voice. "Shut up, Tendou. And don't call me that."

Shirabu, who was sitting next to me, smirked. "Well... we tried calling your name a few times but you were completely focused on the singer up on the stage. So either you're ignoring us, or you fell so hard and fast for someone you only see and hear singing."

Ushijima, sitting across from me and next to Tendou, even looked slightly concerned. "You've never acted this way before. Are you alright, Semi?"

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