Chapter 15

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"Mom," Jaden hesitated. "You can't freak out. I just want you to trust me."

"What is going on?" Amy seemed to be really panicked which scared me.

"Promise me that you'll be open minded and support my decision."

"I always support you, don't I?"

"Yeah, but right now I need you to more than ever."

"Jaden, what's going on?" Amy was getting anxious and I could tell. I looked up at Jaden, but his eyes didn't leave the phone. I simply grabbed his hand as he confessed the most major thing ever.

"Evie's pregnant," Jaden hesitated. "But this is a good thing and we're happy about it. So if you are disappointed then you have every right to be, but I am genuinely happy."

Amy was at a loss for words. I honestly don't know what I would say if I was put in her situation. After a few seconds of silence, I noticed a smile creep onto her face and her eyes starting to water up. "Jaden, I am so proud of you. As long as you are happy with your decisions I am happy for you."

Jaden looked so relieved to hear that she wasn't mad or even disappointed. "I really am happy."

"Well now I really have to meet Evie," Amy said with a laugh. "Put her on the phone for a second."

I grabbed the phone out of Jaden's hand and noticed that there was a tear flowing down my face. I don't know why I was crying, but I definitely was. "Are you okay?" Jaden asked me as he wiped away the tear.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled.

"Evie," Amy started. "Can you go somewhere where Jaden won't hear you?"

"Why can't I listen to you guys?" Jaden asked as he looked back and forth between me and the phone.

"Don't worry, I'll fill you in on anything you need to know," I said as I walked out into the hall with his phone still in my hand.

"Evie, can you be honest with me, please?" Amy pleaded.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Do you genuinely love Jaden?" Amy asked. "I know that probably sounds like a stupid question, but I really want you to think this through."

Do I genuinely love Jaden? The immediate answer that popped into my head was yes, but the more and more I thought about it, it changed. As my thoughts dug deeper into my love for Jaden I found that I loved him more than anything. "Yeah, I do."

"Are you positive?"

"I promise you, I have never been more positive about anything ever. I truly love him," It was weird that I was telling his mom this, but it felt like there was some unspoken trust between us.

"Good, I would just hate to see his heart broken. He really cares about you."

"I know," I smiled.

"You are probably going to get annoyed by him at some point, but just stick around because it won't last long. That's what happened when-"

"Amy, I think I can handle it," I laughed. "Am I good to go back into the room or is there something else?"

"No, you can go back in," She said as I walked back into the room. I could tell that Jaden was really anxious to know what we were talking about.

"What was so important that I couldn't know about it?" Jaden asked immediately.

"It was nothing," I muttered with a smile.

"Tell me later?"

"No, I don't think I will," I smiled. "Maybe in a few years I will."

"I am going to hold you to that, Evie."

"Good," I laughed as I handed him his phone.

"Jaden, I like her," Amy said through the phone.

Jaden looked at me in confusion. "What did you guys talk about?"

"Doesn't matter," Amy shrugged. "I have to go, I expect you to be at my house in October when you're in Tennessee."

"You're coming to the show, right?" Jaden questioned.

"Of course, I will definitely be somewhere in the audience. Hopefully, see you a little before the show though."

"Yeah, we'll probably come in on the fifth, the day before the show," Jaden confirmed.

"Sounds like a plan," Amy smiled. "Well I'll talk to you guys later. I love you."

"Love you too," Jaden said as he hung up the phone.

All of a sudden I was super excited to head to Tennessee and finally meet her in person. She seemed to like me, which was definitely a good thing. The last thing I needed was Jaden's mom hating me.

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