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Melo's POV
22nd of October 2021
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off it was 7am. After a few minutes I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on when it got to the right temperature I stripped down and got in the shower after washing my hair and body I turned off the shower i grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me I walked into my room and walked into my closet to pick out my outfit for the day I decided on wearing a BBB red t shirt and a pair of black jeans with white Air Force 1's. Today was my daughter kairo's 3rd birthday I can't believe my baby girl is turning 3 it feels like just yesterday she was born.

I walked into kairo's room to wake her up.
" kairo it's time to wake up " I said gently rocking her  she started to stir.
"5 more minutes pwease daddy " she said I laughed a little bit.
" come on princess it's your birthday today we gotta get you up and ready for your friends to come over for your party" I said as she jumped up out of bed and said " it's my birthday today daddy ahh I'm so excited " she said jumping on her bed giggling.
" Alright baby come on bath dressed and then breakfast " I said laughing a little bit at my daughter.
I went into to the bathroom and got her bath ready I went back into her room and picked her up walking back into the bathroom with her in my arm's. I put my hand in the water testing the it to make sure it's not to hot. Kairo climbed into the bath. kai was playing with her toys in the bath so I could wash her hair.
" put your head back a little bit kai so I can wash your hair" I said
" I'm excited for my birthday party daddy I'm turning this many" kairo said putting three fingers up.
" I know my baby girl is growing up on me" I said faking crying Kairo giggled at me.

After giving kairo a bath and getting her dressed she wanted to match with me she put on a red BBB t shirt and black pair of jeans and white Air Force 1's.

" What does the birthday princess want for breakfast" I said to kairo picking her up walking down the stairs into the kitchen. I put her down once we reached the kitchen.
" can I pwease have chocolate chip waffles. Kai said climbing on to her chair.
" coming right " I said smiling at her
" tanks daddy can I pwease have some juice?" Kai asked me
" sure baby orange or apple? " asked her
" orange pwease daddy " she said smiling
I put some orange juice in kai's sippy cup and gave it to her she said thank you. I went back into the kitchen to cook breakfast after I was done cooking it I gave some to Kai we ate our breakfast. After we ate I said she could open a couple of her presents from me before her friends and family got here. Kai sat in the couch in the living room waiting for me to finish cleaning up after breakfast so she could open her presents.
I was done cleaning up I walked into the living room
" alright who wants to open some presents" I said clapping my hands together with a smile on my face.
" I do I do daddy" kai said with her hand in the air jumping up and down smiling.
" okay kai come on" I said giggle a little bit motioning for her to sit next to me on the floor of the living room. After opening a couple presents I got her kai was pretty excited so while I was cleaning up the wrapping paper she played with her new toys.

Time skip to kairo's party

It was 12pm and all of kairo's friends kai didn't want to do much for her birthday this year she just wanted a few friends and me and my parents and gelo and zo. my mum, dad and brothers just arrived.
" big ballers in the house where's my granddaughter" he said walking into the house with presents.
" hi grandpa grandma uncle gelo and uncle zo are those presents for me" kai said giving them all a hug and giggling.
" yes they are honey happy birthday we will put them with rest of your presents you can open them when you open your other one" my mum said to kairo.
" otay tank you grandma and grandpa" kai said hugging them both then running off to play with her friends.
" hi honey" my mum said giving me a hug.
" hey ma hey pops " I said giving them both a hug.
"Hey son my" my dad said
"Hey zo and gelo " I said to them both doing our hand shake.
" sup melo " they both said.
" I see you and Kai are matching" zo said with a smile.
" yeah she wanted to match today can you blame her though she wanted to be as fly as her daddy" I said popping my imaginary collar laughing.
" oh please there ain't nothing fly about your outfit today big head" zo said laughing.
" who wears a blazer with a t shirt and jeans " I said laughing and looking at him up and down we both laughed.
As the day went on kairo and her friends had a great day it was now getting close to the end of the party everyone was tired especially kairo.
"Daddy I'm tired" kai said walking up to me rubbing her eyes and putting her arms up for me to pick her up.
" I know baby we are gonna do cake and presents and then everyone's going to get picked up" I said to me daughter.
" Otay daddy" kai said laying her head on my shoulder.
"Ayo zo and gelo can you get all the kids inside we are gonna do cake and presents" I said to them while getting the cake out of the fridge with Kai almost asleep on my shoulder.
" come everyone cake and present" I heard zo and gelo yell from the backyard. All of the kids ran inside. We did cake first then presents we said happy birthday. Everyone had cake expected for kairo because at this point she was pretty much asleep on my shoulder. I decided we were gonna open her presents tomorrow and send everyone a thank you individually because kai was asleep and her friends parents were here to pick them up. 
The party finished at 4 pm it's been a couple hours since everyone left except my parents and brothers they helped me clean up. 
" let me go put kai in bed then we can clean up and order something for dinner" I said getting up from the couch walking up the stairs once I got to kai's room. I opened her door and walked to her bed laying her on her bed putting the covers over her she started to stir and cry.
" daddy " she said still kinda asleep.
" shhh it's okay kai go back to sleep daddy's here " I said rubbing her back to calm her down. She fell back asleep and I walked out of her room leaving her door open a crack. I went down stairs to help clean up after about an hour and a half we got everything cleaned up.
"Yo I'm hungry and tired" gelo said sitting on the couch.
" me too" zo said
" do you wonna order a pizza" I said getting my phone out to order food.
" yeah get large meat lovers" zo said
"And bbq chicken gelo said
" your mum and I are going to head home we've got a cute little date tonight" big baller said with a smile on his face.
" okay y'all have fun on your date thank you for coming and helping me clean up" I said to my parents. They smiled at me and gave a me a hug.
" bye" gelo, zo and I said to our parents.
"Okay I just ordered the pizza it should be here in about 20 minutes" I said to my brothers.
About 20 minutes later the pizza came we ate and hung out for little bit zo and gelo left at 9 o'clock after they left I locked the front and back door and turned off all the lights I checked on kai who was still had a shower then went to bed and fell asleep.

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