That following morning, Greer received a text message from the one and only, Ben Hardy. He had organized a dinner date for that night, Greer gladly accepted. It was now 1 hour before Ben was picking her up. She had everything arranged, her makeup ready and hair equipment. Meanwhile, Ben was pacing his flat, nervous for his fate. That morning when he sent her a text message he spoke about his nerves to Rami who assured the blonde that she was just as interested in him as he was of her. But that didn't stop his heart beating at a million beats per minute. At 7 o'clock on the dot. Ben opened his car doors leading the Taylor hit into his car "You look absolutely amazing" Smiled Ben "Thank you, you look absolutely handsome" During the drive, Ben's hand were placed over hers, she fiddled with the rings on his fingers asking him questions about each one "This one?" "My brother gave me it just before he left" "Why did he leave? If you don't mind me asking" "It's no problem, he had just had enough of my parents and left" He laughed "Now it's my turn to ask you questions" "Go ahead" "The tattoo on your hand, what does it mean?" Ben asked. Greer looked at the italics on her hand 'Taylor' "It's my family name, I love my family with all my heart" "Have you got any more tattoos?" "Yeah, I've got quite a few actually" She giggled "I have a K and R on my ankles for my parents and small roses behind my ear" "Well I hope I get to see them one day" "Don't worry Benny you will" She laughed. Finally the pair arrived at the restaurant, when they got settled and ordered their food, they got to know each other more. Asking questions about what they both liked, their families and career's and where they wanted to go. By the end of the night, they were full of food and feelings. Leaving the restaurant had become harder than they thought, once they set foot out of the doors flashing lights engulfed them. The Paparazzi had found them. Making their way to Ben's car, he held her hand tightly as they were bombarded by questions.
"Greer, Ben are you on a date?"
"Are you dating?"
"Are you enjoying acting?"
All the typical questions about one's private life "Jeez" Laughed Greer as she and Ben finally got into the car "Can't believe they found us" "I sort of expected it to be honest" Ben laughed, he started the engine of his car and drove out of the car park. Finally arriving at Greer's flat, after 20 minutes of trying to lose the Paps, the two climbed out of the car. Stood on the pavement, Greer smiled at Ben as he held her waist "I had a really good time tonight" She smiled "So did I. You're a pleasure to be around Ms Taylor" "As are you Mr Hardy" Ben reached one hand to her face pulling her closer. And finally, their lips brushed against each other. Greer deepened their kiss as she held the back of his neck "Thank you" She whispered pressing one last kiss on his lips. With that she walked up the stairs to her flat and unlocking the door. And one last look she saw Ben pull in his fist clearly happy. She laughed, she was in a storm of emotions.

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