Today was not Greer's day.
It all started with biting her toast, then not being able to wash her hair and her phone charger was broken, first world problems. Grumbling, Greer finally sat down with a cup of coffee when the doorbell rang "Oh my god" She moaned "What do people want from me this morning?" In her over sized t-shirt and messy bun she answered the door "Ben" She half smiled. He wrapped his arms around her slightly pressing a kiss on her head "Hard morning love?" He asked "Hard? More like torture, I'm so glad your here" The two walked into the living room "Do you want something to drink?" She asked "No it's alright" Leaning against Ben, Greer sipped her coffee, turning on the TV "How was your morning? I'm guessing it was a lot better than mine?" "It was alright but it's about to get a lot better" He smirked "Wh-" Before she could question him, his lips were on hers, she held his face pulling him closer. Ben pulled away grinning from ear to ear, admiring the girl "Greer Freda Taylor, will you be my girlfriend?" Greer was shocked, smiling she held Ben's hand "Of course" She engulfed him into a hug, kissing him again. Let's just say things got pretty heated.

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