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22nd December 2017
The Taylor Family Christmas Party.
Something the entire family and their friends anticipated every year. This year especially for Greer she wanted her and Ben's first Christmas together to be perfect.
The part started in 15 minutes. Kenna, Lola, Lily and Greer rushed around. The girls helping their distraught mother make the finishing touches "Greer is the drink table ready?" "Yes" "Lola, the music?" "Perfect" "Lily, the food?" "Ready to be served mother!" "That's it we are done!" Smiled Kenna.
The party had started and Greer was still in her room awaiting the cast. They were staying with the family until the 23rd when they would leave to go to their families. Checking herself in the mirror and straightening out her dress she felt the familiar muscular arms wrap around her waist "Hi, gorgeous" Smiling she turned around meeting a pair of green eyes "When did you get here?" "Just now the guys were in a different car" "I've missed you" She whispered kissing his neck "I've missed you too" He smiled "Here let me get your stuff, you can put it in my wardrobe" She grabbed his bags and unpacked them "Looks like we live together with all our clothes together" Ben laugh half joking "I'd like that" She smiled "You would?" "Yeah. Ben I love you there's nothing I'd want more than to be with you" "I'd love that too Greer" Lightly pulling her face closer to his, his lips pressed against hers. As they deepened the kiss she was pulled onto his lap, straddling him. This continued for several minutes until she heard her father's voice bellow in her hall "Rami! Joe! Do us a favor and go find Greer and Ben I'm sure they are around" Flipping then around, Ben hovered above her "Come on let's go" He smiled helping her up.
By this time, everyone had arrived and the party was not even half way through just yet because as everyone in that house knew; it was a Taylor party. Jade and Leigh-Anne arrived alongside their boyfriends. All 3 of them danced and sung to the catch songs that played.
'All I Want For Christmas Is You'
Mariah Carey burst through the speakers, Greer knew she had to get Ben to dance with her. In her slightly tipsy state, she stumbled over to her boyfriend "Bennnn, come dance with me" "I don't dance babe" "Tonight you do, so come on" She pulled him up dragging him away from the group. Lucy smiled to the rest of their friends "I can see them getting married" "So can I" Laughed Rami "I can imagine Greer in a massive gown just like Kenna" "That scene we filmed, the one where Roger and Kenna get married, that felt so real" Said Gwilym "Sure did" Muttered Joe.

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