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Greer sat cross-legged on the sofa, her gave red from crying. She thought he had cheated. He hadn't, she made the mistake of not hearing him out properly. It had been days, he texted and called her every morning and night but she never replied. Now knowing what he was doing she felt a massive pang problem guilt hit her.
Knock Knock.
Her breathing fastened as she picked up her feet, moving to the door. There he was on one knee with a small white box in his hand "Ben" She whispered "I would never in my life cheat on you, I never ever want to lose you. You are the love of my life" He said. She chuckled "Get up off your knee you'll make your jeans dirty" "Ok, mum" He laughed with the box still in hand "Ben. I accused you of something I know you'd never do I'm just so used to happening" "I never want to hear those words come
out of your mouth ever again, you will not longer be used to it ok" "What did I do to deserve you, Benjamin" "I don't know I'm pretty great0 He laughed "Now put this on, I want you to promise to never take it off and if you ever need me look at this ring and remember I'm here for you always" He carefully slipped the jeweled ring onto her finger "I will. Ben it's beautiful" She smiled admiring the ring "I love you" "I love you too" He grabbed her waist, kissing her lips. Moving out of the doorway and up the stairs they never let go.

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