"I can't believe we've only got a month left of filming" Greer slouched against her cast chair with her legs across Ben while Rami, Gwilym and Joe sat around them "Don't remind me" Spoke Joe "I'm going to miss this" While the rest sat glum at this, Greer wanted to be positive "Guys come on it's Christmas right after and we'll be together for that a little and also New Years" She smiled "What a year 2017 has been" Smiled Rami "Hey Greer, when did you say your albums coming out?" Asked Gwil "Start of next year. I couldn't be more excited" She squealed buzzing in her seat. Ben rubbed her leg, he couldn't be more proud of her "Do you guys want to go out tonight?" She asked "I can invite Lucy and the girls maybe?" "Yeah sure babe" Smiled Ben.

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