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"Today, we are with British Pop Band Little Mix" Smiled the interviewer "I'm Jade" "I'm Leigh-Anne" "I'm Greer" "And we're Little Mix" The 3 girls cheered "Hi girls it's so great to have you here" "Thanks for having us" Smiled Jade "I want to start by congratulating you on your new single, Woman Like Me. Should we expect an album soon?" "There is something going on" Laughed Leigh-Anne "But nothing for a while yet" "We'll, I'm sure your fans are looking forward to it! Greer, you recently just started filming for the upcoming film Bohemian Rhapsody which is based on your parent's band, Queen. What's it like working with your parents?" "Well Little Mix worked with my Parker's and Brian May before they've helped us with our music so doing that but with my acting is great" "How it working with the rest of the cast" "I couldn't ask for a better cast really they support me so much and as soon the girls" Greer smiled at her friends "You also recently revealed a relationship with your cast mate Ben Hardy, what's it like?" "Ben's absolutely amazing, I'm so glad I met him" The interviewer continued asking the girls questions about the glum, performing and music "Thank you for being here today girls!" "Thank you so much for having us" 

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