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And so Saturday came. Hyunjin was on his way, steering his little car through the traffic. It wasn't like he was the worst driver in the world, but maybe you should wear a double seatbelt when driving with him.

Hyunjin hummed to the song playing on the radio and drummed his steering wheel . It took some time till he saw the big building. And he had  wait just as long for a car to pull out of the parking lot he was about to enter.

Parking on a Saturday at noon at one of the biggest shopping malls in the area was an hour-long task. But Hyunjin was trained. He parked his car safely.

Before he got out, he checked the time. About five minutes to go. Checking the mirror in the car, he ran it through his hair again and whispered something encouraging to himself before opening the driver's door.

He strolled around the side of the parking lot to the entrance. And  discreetly feeling his pockets to see if his cell phone and wallet were still there.

"Thank you!" A group of girls muttered to him as he held the door open for them.

As agreed, he stood in front of the small fountain next to the ice cream parlor. To avoid looking like a dumbass, he pulled out his cell phone and took a picture of the building's high ceiling. An old-fashioned glass dome -one of the highlights of the mall. With a grin on his face, he posted it to his Instagram Story.

Jisung arrived a few minutes late. With his hands in his pockets (and almost running into the glass door because he was too busy peering holes in the air), he walked in.

"Hi Jisunggg!" Hyunjin waved happily at him from a few feet away. Jisung pretended for a moment that he didn't know the other and ran past him. Laughing, he returned and received a gentle slap on the arm from Hyunjin.

"The plan is set?" Hyunjin stopped pouting and nodded. "Shall we head straight off?"

So the two of them wandered through the large hallway of the mall. Hyunjin gently took Jiusng's sleeve so he wouldn't lose him among all the groups and people. He led the way to the second floor of the building.

Next to a Dollar Tree was "Club Fantasy."

The name alone would be enough to show the purpose of the store; but the darkened windows and the tiny yet provocative advertisement on the door made it more than clear.

Jisung felt the heat rush through his body. There were reasons why he bought the few things he owned online. One of them was that he wouldn't have dared to strut into the store like Hyunjin was doing. He only followed.

Hyunjin nodded to the cashier.

"Do you two know each other?" Whispered Jisung as he walked behind the taller one. "No, but I'm here a lot." With that, he winked at the other, who blushed even more. "Let's go pick out something pretty then no?"

Hyunjin walked to a corner of the room. Toys, lots of them.

While display models lay behind a glass wall on red satin, packs of the corresponding stuff were stacked everywhere. Jisung's gaze fixed on the black floor and he tried to match his breath to the dark music playing in the store.

"Jisung, I need your hands once please," Hyunjin took his wrist gently. He had a leather handcuff in his hand. Wide-eyed, Jisung watched him as he noticed it around his wrist. His (damn long) fingers grazed over his skin, warm and comfortable.

With a small smile, Hyunjin looked up from his work to Jisung. "Do they fit?"

Jisung swallowed hard. When he couldn't give a proper answer other than a bit of stuttering, Hyunjin tugged lightly on the item, sticking his thumb between Jisung's skin and leather. "I'd say those you like them?" He asked as he took them off again. "If you don't like them we can use others, or none at all."

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