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"Son of a bitch!" Hyunjin's palm slammed down on the steering wheel. He huffed.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" With each exclamation, he slammed against his car again. He didn't really care what the other drivers next to him must be thinking. He saw nothing but pure red rage before his eyes. As red as the traffic light above him. As red as the blood pumping through his veins at top speed, only making him angrier.

"I mean what is he thinking?!" The traffic light flipped to green. Hyunjin drove up with tires screeching. No amount of cursing and swearing in the world could have brought him down. He was only a corner away from his block. Yet, those minutes felt so deflatingly long. He parked an extra distance away from his apartment.

"Damn that bastard was sitting in my car." With a venomous sideways glance, he stared at the seat. The car was off. It puffed quietly and shut down. His eyes never left the seat. The whole scenario replayed in a continuous loop in his head.

"What was that asshole Jeongin doing there anyway?" He muttered and grabbed his few belongings. With force, he pushed open the car door and closed it with even more vigor.

"Fuck him." He buried his fists in his pants pockets and stomped toward the apartment.

"Fuck everything." His steps were heavy and fast. Hyunjin kicked a can out of the way. Even the trash can looked so provocative that he would have liked to knock it over and stomp on it.

The buzzing from the front door was annoying him. The thousand steps he had to walk left him out of breath, but not out of insults. He rattled off the entire library of angry words. With white hands and a runny nose, he dragged himself to the last floor.

His hands were too gross and shaky to find his key. He scoffed and threw them on the floor.  "Fuck you!" His scream echoed throughout the stairwell. With audible exhales and inhales, he gathered the keys back up and unlocked the door.

The second it closed behind him, he dumped all his things on the floor. He leaned against the wood and stared into space.

"Because I fucking like you!" He snapped his eyes open. Jisung... liked him. Had for quite some time. And yet, all this time, he had been racking his brain to see if he was professional enough. He had kept every cell in his body from capturing his lips. Jisung had lied about everything. "Jeongin is a psycho, I tell you! I don't know why he was there, maybe he's stalking me or something."

Hyunjin slowly slid down his door. "Hyunjin I really like you, I'm sorry" He groaned. His forehead throbbed as if a bees' nest lived behind it. It stung between his eyes. Sharp pain traveled from his head down his spine as he hit the ground.

"What's happening?" An angry tear pressed against his lashes, insisting on running down his cheek. Hyunjin put his face in both hands and just let everything crash over him.

Jeongin. Chan. Going shopping. Money problems.

Jisung. Jisung's feelings. Jisung's face. Jisung's body. Jisung's lies.

Hyunjin was overcome by his thoughts. He was buried under all the pent-up little problems that now rolled over him like an avalanche. There was a crack in the lock of his door. Hyunjin's whimpering drowned out the sound.

Only when the door pressed painfully against his back did he jump up. "What asshole... I'm going to kill you!" As he let the door fly open, standing on the other side was none other than...


Shortly after, Felix plopped up behind him. "Hi."

Hyunjin was in shock. He pressed his forehead against the doorframe. "What do you want?"

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