chapter 3: why me?

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                                                        ***At the Simmon's residence***

"Mommy, please let me go! Luke and Jace got to go by themselves when they were my age," I practically begged my Mother.

Right now I'm begging my Mother to let me go to the pool. I think I'm winning and my Mother also know that.

The pool is my favoirte place in the world besides the library.(AN: that is actually true in my life. if i could live at the library and the pool i would) I could just float in the water all day long. It relaxes me and I get to spend all of my time there with my 2 best friends.

"Fine, but you have to be in the house by 4:00, young lady," my Mother said, obviously not wanting to start a fight with me right now.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I scremed happily that I was able to go to the pool today without any adult supervision.

"Damnit, Sophie, shut the hell up," Jace told me madly because I woke him up at 1:00 in the afternoon.

"Jace Michael Simmons, don't use that language with your younger sister ever again," mom told Jace sternly because she hates it when he cusses and he does it just to make her even more angry then she already is.

"Whatever," Jace retorted.

"Bye, Jacey. Bye, Mom," I said heading towards our front door.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME JACEY!!!!" Jace yelled at me making me flinch at his harshness.

"Don't listen to him, Soph-Soph, he's just mad because Kat broke up with him," my older brother Luke told me helping me calm down from Jace's sudden outburst.

I love both of my brothers, but lately Jace seems on the edge lately  for some strange reason.

"I never do," I told Luke chuckling.

"C'ya Soph-Soph," Luke told me waving bye to me.

"C'ya Lukey," I told him waving back to him and heading out of the door to the pool.


                                        ***At the pool***

"Gosh, took ya' long enough," Eliza told me impatienly.

"Hey, don't blame me. I had to ask my mom if I was even allowed to go and Jace had a mood swing this morning," told her defending myself for being so late.

"Again?" Lexi asked used to the poing that Jace acts like a girl most of the time.

"Yea," I said chuckling.

"Well, enough with the chitty chitty bang bang, let's go swim," Eliza told us being way to excited about being able to swim. (AN: i love the movie chitty chitty bang bang. that movie is one of my childhood favoirte. lol that was very random but i just had to point that out)

"Why are you so excited about being able to swim?" I asked her curious.

Hmmmm. Eliza hates swimming. She always has. She thinks she going to drown. Its hilarious watching her trying to get in by herself, but we end up pushing her in the pool because she takes way too long doing it by herself. She gets extremely mad when Lexi and me do that but we could care less about what she thinks.

"No reason," she lied to us easily.

"You're lying," I stated.

"Am not," she told me lying again.

"Eliza, I've known you since preschool, I think I should know when you're lying. Like now, because your cheecks and ears are redder than usual," I told her truthfully.

"They are not," she said denying the claim, while her cheeks and ears are turning redder by the minute.

This must be something big if she's denying it, and she looks like a tomato. I've only seen her do this once before. It was when she denied liking Luke. Oh, did I ever give her crap about that!!!!!!

"Just spill for crying out loud," Lexi told Eliza not wanting us to keep on going back and forth with our bickering.

"Fine," Eliza said stubbornly.

I smirked knowing I won once again.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked her.

"Ok, well, me and Mason are....." she said trailing off.

"Eliza, you know for a fact that I hate it when people don't finish their sentences," I told her getting frustrated.

"Yes I know. Well, me and Mason are dating. There I told you guys," she told Lexi and me shyly.

"No way," Lexi and I said at the same time very much shocked.

"Well, it's true," she told us.

"Eliza, you do know that you're moving in less than 2 weeks, right?" I asked her slightly confused why she told him that she would go out with him.

Mason. Mason? Mason?! No, it can't be, but it is. the one person who I truely like is going out with my best friend. I never actually really told Eliza that I like Mason, but it was kinda obvious since I never stoped talking about him. She can't, no, no. She wouldn't do that. Would she? No, Sophia she's your best friend, she wouldn't do that on purpose.

"Yea, I know that," she told me.

"Then why did you say yes?" I asked her with no emotion in my voice.

"If you really want to know, go and ask him yourself," she said in her 'I-know-a-secret' voice. Oh, just fine, a dang puzzle. Fun, Fun! Not!

I love puzzles. I really do, but not when it involves the person you like and your best friend dating.

"Just my luck," I mumbled.

"Are we going swiming or not?" Lexi asked madly because she lost 10 beautiful minutes of her swimming time.

"Yes, let's go," I said as I pused past Lexi and Eliza racing them to the pool.

I may have forgotten about Mason and Eliza for now, but I will figure it out before Eliza leaves. I promised myself that.

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