chapter 4: she finds out!!

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Hi, all! I finally get to write my 4th chapter since this morning. I was mad when I couldn't upload it so I basically just sat in my room all day and did nothing. Yea, my life on sunday's are boring. well, i'll stop babbling so you can read! :D



When I got home from the pool, I thought for a while. I wa trying to think of a reason why she would do that to me. Just why? She was leaving in 2 weeks. Would they have to break-up or would they try to do a long-distance relationship when she left? I know we may only be in the 4th grade, but we seem very mature for our age. I was still thinking very intently when Luke walked into my room. He stood in my doorway for a bit before he came in and sat on my bed making the matress sink in a bit.

"What are you thinking about Soph-Soph?" he asked me like the concerned older brother he is.

"Oh, nothing much, Lukey," I told him trying to dismiss that I was flat-out lying to him.

"Liar," he said.

"How'd you know?" I asked him giving up the fact that I had been caught red-handed lying to him.

"I can read you like an open book. So, what are you thinking so hard about?" he questioned me.

"Mason and Eliza," I flat out told him.

"What about them, Sophia?" he asked concerned.

Luke may be my brother and teases me whenever he can and is a total player, but he is the sweetest guy you will ever meet and he gets very protective and defesnsive of me.

"Well, I like Mason and Eliza told me today that they're going out. I never officially told her that I like him very much, but it still hurts me on the inside," I told him trying not to let the tears that I really wanted to let out fall. Luck isn't on my side today, because it fell anyway.

"No need to cry, Soph-Soph. Just ask why, because I know for a fact that she's leaving in less than 2 week for Texas," he told me.

"I asked her why and she said that I had to go and ask Mason myself. The thing that I don't understand is that she used her 'I-know-a-secret' tone-of-voice.What's the secret?" I asked him, but it mainly came out as a question to myself.

"Oh, boy. I remember that kind of drama when I was your age," he breathed out slowly.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out for yourself yet, Soph-Soph. Well, I have to go. I have a date tonight, so c'ya," he said heading towards my door.

"Figured out what? Date with who?" I asked him quickly before he could get out of my door.

"Katie Hamilton," he replied in a tone that I've never heard him use before when he told me what girl he was taking out. Hmmmm, wonder what's up with him?

"No way!" I said very shocked.

"Yes, now go and talk to Mason. You deserve an answer," Luke told me.

"Alright, I will," I said to him truthfully.


                                                ***Mason Halterman's house***

Ding, dong. After an hour of sitting in my room, I finally had enough courage to go over to his house and ask him what was up with him and Eliza. What's he going to say? What am I going to ask? Shit, I forgot what I was going to ask! Well, too late now, the doorknob's turning I thought to myself as my stomach flopped around in anticipation.

"Why, hello Sophia, may I help you?" Mrs.Halterman asked me not a bit surprised I was there since we are neighbors and all.

"Ummmm, yes you can. Is Mason around so I can talk to him about something?" I asked in my most innocent voice I have ever used on her.

"Yes, just follow me, honney," she told me while she motioned me to follow her.

"Ok," I said softly.

"Mason, honney, someone is here to see you," Mrs.Halterman told her son.

"Ok, send them in, please," he told his Mother nonchalantly.

"Ok," Mrs.Halterman said.

I walked in and shut the familair door. I waited to see what Mason's expression would be as soon as he found out who was here to see him. Oh, how I hate awkward silences!! Now i just dragged myself into one of them!!!!

"Ummmmm, hi Sophia," Mason said to me very awkwardly as soon as his mom left his room for us to speak in private.

"Hi, Mason," I told just as awkward as he told me a moment ago.

"Are you here for any particular reason?" he asked getting to the point right away. Yup, still the same old Mason.

"Yes, actually," I told him confidentally.

"Well, go on," he urged me.

"Ok, well, I wanted to know why you asked Eliza out when she's moving in less than 2 weeks time," I said to him.

"Hahahaha, haven't figured it out yet?" he asked me laughing.

"No, why do guys keep on saying that," I asked getting extremely frustrated that Luke and now Mason know the big secret that I still need to figure out.

"Well, it's kinda obvious," he told me.

"What is!" I basically yelled at him making him laugh at my impatientness of not kowing something. Oh, like he can laugh at me being impatient. He's more impatient than me so he shouldn't even be laughing!

"That I like you," he said both shyly and truthfully.

Wait, what?!?! THE Mason Halterman likes me, Sophia Simmons!?!? Then why is he going out with Eliza?!?! How come I didn't know this earlier?!?! That would have been useful!!!

"Oh," I said my voice failing for words.

"It's ok if you don't like me, I just needed to get that off of my chest before I explode," he told me.

"No, no, I like you too, but-" I started saying but was interupted.

"Wait, you like me?" he asked very much shocked.

"Yea," I told him shyly.

"Oh, sorry, continue," he said appologizing to me.

"If you like me then why would you ask Eliza would if she is leaving in 2 weeks to move to Texas?" I asked him just a bit curious.

"I only did that to make you jealous, and by the looks of it, it worked," he told me shyly while a blush rose up to his cheeks.

'Awwwww' was my initial reaction to him trying to make me jealous, but I had to keep my cool.

"That is soooo sweet," was what I told him instead and that make him blush a deeper red.

"Yea," he said barely above a wisper.

"Does Eliza know this, Mason?" I questioned him.

All he did was shake his head up and down indicating a 'yes.' After a minute he finally spoke making me let out the breath I was holding in.

"Don't be mad at her, I told her to do it," he said to me.

"I'm not," I told him truthfully.

When he couldn't find any words to say to me, I went up and gave him one of my famous hugs. He stiffened at my contact at first, but then he relaxed into my arms. All thought were gone, but one questioned still lingered: how long will this last for?

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