chapter 14: the dream

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school is out for the summer....finally!!!!! i might not b putting it up bc my friend wants it dont 4 her b-day in the middle of June typed....i have a deadline 2 make so sorry in advance!!!!



That dream. That same dream. I've had this dream so many restless nights before over and over again. The one nightmare that I refused to go back to sleep and made me cry so hard that I couldn't stop. My family and friends tried to convince me to tell them about it, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. How could I tell them what I see? It's so scary, that dream. I remember when I had it for the first time....

                                                   ***The Dream (7 years ago)***

I went to bed that night thinking about what happened. It was the worst night in my entire life. How could they do that to me? My heart is shattered into too many pieces right now. There is no way that it could be mended back together. I will never again let my heart be put on display. I won't be that stupid ever again.

I'm dreaming. Well, at least I think I am. I'm walking down a street I've never even seen before. I try to ask people where I am, but they won't listen. Why won't they listen to me? As I'm walking around the town I see a sign that says Dallas Post Office. Wow, that's strange. Eliza lives in Dallas. Is this a coincidence? Ah, who cares. There she is. I see her. I have to talk to her. I have to ask why she did what she did. I need to know. I wave my hands frantically so that she could see me, but she doesn't. What's with these people? Since she doesn't see me I decide to follow her. I've been following her for a while now, but then we finally stop. On the door it says 'McFly Residence.' This obviously must be her house. I like it. It's just the right size for her and her parents. She walks into the house, but doesn't shut the door behind her, so I walk in quickly after her. She walks across the room and sits down at a desk. I couldn't believe what I did next. I feel something in my hand. It's a butcher's knife. How did that get into my hands?!?! While I was having an argument with myself in my mind, I didn't see Mason come in. They start kissing. Go figure. How can they do that to me again?! Before I know it, I was running towards them and hitting them. Not with my hands but with the knife. I didn't realize what I was actually doing. When I stopped, they were on the ground. Their bodies mutilated. I didn't mean it!!!! I regret it!!! There I said it. I said I regret it!!! They can't hear you, you dummy!!! I tried to check and see if they had a pulse. They didn't. Neither of them did.

                                                         ***End of Dream***

I always awoke when I tried to go and get help, Never earlier or never later than that one part. Why? I'd always ask myself that question, but I didn't know the answer. I still don't.

The dream scared me. It scared me so much. I haven't had that dream in about 2 years, but that doesn't mean I haven't thought about it. I've asked myself so many questions about that dream, but I never get the answers I'm looking for.

The first time I dreamt the dream, I woke up crying my eyes out. I cried every single time since then. Luke burst into my room every night whenever I had them. That is until he went to college. He didn't want to leave me. I had a hard time convincing him to leave me and go to college, but I eventually did. My puppy-dog eyes worked. I wouldn't blame him not wanting to leave me. I was a total wreck when Eliza and Mason did that to me. I went into a mini depression. That's when I started going to a therapist. She helped me a lot. Not as much as Lexi or Luke, but she got the medicine I needed to help me get better.

As I was crying harder just thinking about all those piople helping me through my tough time, Mason and Lexi burst into my room. I was more like sobbing right now. Shit, this really isn't good. Now they're going to ask questions that I would really like to not answer.

"Sophia! Are you okay," Lexi questioned me very worried.

I couldn't find any word. Lexi was standing there looking very worried waiting for an answer, so I just shook my head from side to side indicating no.

"They've come back, haven't they," Lexi asked me quietly.

"Yes," I croaked out.

"Hold on, I'm confused! What are 'they'," Mason inquired.

"Her nightmares," Lexi answered for me. I'll have to thank her later for that. I'm glad thats all she said also.

"What nightmares," Mason asked.

"I can't say, because I don't know that much about them," Lexi explained to Mason all that she was able to.

"You don't know the whole story behind it," he questioned skeptically.

"Nope. She won't tell us that much. She says it way too brutal," she told him.

"You'll know soon enough," I whispered loud enough so that both Mason and Lexi could hear me.

They both knew for a fact that I didn't want to speak about the dream anymore. Instead, they both just shook their heads in an understanding.

"Guys, I've made my decision," I told them. Their faces are mix between happiness and worry. Both of their faces too. Wow, this is just too damn funny!!

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