chapter 13: thinking

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How is this even remotely possible?!?!?!?! I've never even opened the locket until now. How did I know what he looks like when the painting on the canvas is and older version of the boy in the locket? I KNOW for a fact that I've never seen him before. How could I? He's like surfer-tan so he definitely doesn't live in the windy city of Chicago. Where could he possibly be from.......My thoughts were interrupted by Lexi coming in.

"So, whatcha' doin',"she asked me.

"Painting;thinking," I replied.

"That's not one of your regulars, is it," she asked me with a confused expression on her face. She wasn't the only one who was confused about what I painted.

"Yea, I know. I never paint people so why am I starting now," I asked myself outloud.

"Have you ever seen him before," she asked me trying to decipher the mystery.

"No, but now I have," I told her while handing her the picture of the little boy inside of the locket. She gasped at what she saw and covered her mouth with her hands. For about a minute, she kept on looking from the picture of the boy in the locket and the picture of the young man on the canvas. She finially spoke.

"Sophia, have you ever opened up the locket before," she adked me trying to find the right words to ask me.

"No, never. This was the first time I've ever opened it up," I honestly told her.

"That's strange," was all she said as she left me. I guess she left so I could think propperly. No, she probably left so she wouldn't be so damn freaked out. Yea, that's probably why.

I walked out of my studio and into my room. This is the place where I can think. I thought about him. I thought about the guy on the painting. Who is he? Why did I paint him? I also thought about Eliza. Should I forgive her? Should I just stay here and do nothing at all?

I stayed up until 1 am thinking about what I should do about my current situation. I finially got my answer and since it's very early in the morning I won't risk Lexi bitching me out to tell her my anser so I'll just wait until I get enough sleep and she's up. Before I went to sleep, I looked at the little boy in the locket and then I fell asleep.

Right before that, I had many thought swarming through my head. Soon. Soon they will all be resolved. I just have a feeling, and my feeling are usually never wrong.

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