Chapter 25: Thoughts of the Kiss

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        I kissed him! I kissed Jayden! Why the heck did I do that?! Damn it, how am I going to explain this to Scarlett and everyone else?

 “Explain! Now!” Scarlett growled at me. Dang, scariness must run in the family.

 “Ok, fine. We kissed. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing,” I lied. That was so not true.

 “Liar,” she stated. How do I always get busted?!

 “Got me; I don’t really know what it really was, though,” I honestly told her.

 “Just…be careful with him. When he has your heart in his hands, he’ll take it and crush it into a million little pieces,” she told me with a blank expression on her face.

 “Are you saying that from experience or something,” I inquired.

 “Or something,” she repeated. “Like I said before, I’ve seen it happen before. Ask any girl outside of our group and ask her about Jayden. They’ll all tell you the same exact thing: sweet and nice at first, then when you least expect it, he breaks everything you have with him and never speaks to you again. He may be my friend an all, but all he cares about are him and the ones closest to him,” Scarlett told me. She’s most probably right, though.

         All of this time while talking we were walking towards the skate park. When were at the entrance, my phone started ringing. I answered it quickly.

 “Hello,” I asked the other person on the other line.

 “Sophia?! Where the hell are you?!” Lexi yelled into the phone while interrogating me. Oh, I better brace myself for more questions.

 “At the stake park,” I answered.

 “Ok, but we’re coming to get you.”

 “Fine with me,” I replied. A couple of minutes later Lexi, Mason…..and Eliza entered the skate park. Oh, just let me find my skateboard and helmet then we can leave so I can lay my head on a nice and soft pillow. Oh crap, it’s at Jayden’s. I totally forgot about it!

 “Hey, Sophia,” Eliza said while running up to me and greeting me.

 “Uh, hey,” I told her awkwardly. Instead of replying, she stood there saying nothing at all.

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