Chapter 18: Starting Off

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So, can someone please remind me again why I said I would drive at 4:00 o’clock in the morning? Oh, yea, I didn’t sign up for it! Lexi and Mason ‘nominated’ me. Oh, how I love them bunches! While I get to drive, they get to sleep peacefully in the back of the escalade.  I’ve had to stop at gas stations 5 different times. I can’t stay awake fully unless I have my French vanilla cappuccino. I just got back in the SUV from filling up my cup for the 6th time. I’m going to be up ALL freaking day by the way I’m drinking all of these cups of coffee. God help me now!

         I really hope Mason wakes up soon so that he can take over driving. Yea, I have quite a while since it’s only 5:30 and his shift doesn’t start until about 8:00. Just my piece of freaking good pie! Well, since I have a while before either of them wake up, I should try to find something to do to pass time. What should I do…? Oh, maybe I can find cars with different license plates. I love doing that! One time I was driving with Lexi to go to the mall, and I was a car with a California plate. It was really abnormal so I took a picture of it. Gosh, I must be extremely bored since I’m talking to myself in my head. I need someone to talk to or something. Like soon before I die from boredom. Oh, look there, my phone’s vibrating! I answered it without even checking who was calling.

“Hello!” I said to the person on the other line way too happy. It must be the coffee talking.

“Sophia!” Jace growled at me. Oh, shit he’s EXTREMELY mad.

“Ah, shit!” I cursed under my breath. This really isn’t good. I’m guessing he’s calling me because Luke told me where I’m going. Right now I wish I could just hang up on him but then the situation would be worse.

“Sophia, why,” he questioned me sternly.

“I need to do it for me. I need to do it for her. We both need the closure. Jace, I know that you don’t understand, but please try to. You can’t stop me from doing what I want to do. I’m an adult now. I’m not 15 anymore. You need to realize that,” I explained to him. I can’t believe I told him all of that. Yea, sure it all may be true but I can’t believe I actually said it. He probably hates me now. I blame it on the coffee. Damn coffee! Now I know why Lexi hates it when I have over 3 cups of it. I get impulsive and don’t think before I act. I’ll have to thank her when she wakes up.

“I guess you’re right,” he told me slowly while my words sunk in.

“Yes I am….wait, I am,” I asked him confused on what he was saying. This doesn’t sound like Jace at all. Who is this person and what have they don’t with my brother, Jace? My Jace is never like this. Like, never. He always disagrees with what I say. He never agrees with what I have to say. The only time we agree is when we agree to disagree.

“Yes, you’re right. You just needed to remind me how bad of a brother I was to you. After Mason and you broke up, I was so damn overprotective. I hate myself for that. I only did that because I’m hurt whenever you’re hurt. I really wanted you to know that but I could never find the courage to tell you. I can now though, So-Do,” he told me very sincerely. Awwww, he hasn’t called me So-Do since the morning after I broke up with Mason.

“You weren’t a bad brother, and never will be. You were just a bit overprotective,” I said. It was all very much true. He was an awesome brother when we were younger. I miss sneaking out past curfew and just roaming the streets doing things that our mother wouldn’t approve me doing with him. It wasn’t anything illegal though. He was very fun but a bit overprotective. I just got even worse after what Mason did to me. Mason was his personal punching bag. He went a bit far some of the times, but I love him being the overprotective brother that he is. With him, I know that for sure that I have someone looking out for me.

“Thanks, So-Do,” he told me.

“You’re welcome, Jacey,” I said.

“You know what,” he asked me.

“No,” I answered.

“I always loved when you called me that, but I didn’t want other people to know that so I always lashed out on you when you called me that,” he randomly told me.

“I never knew that, but now I do. I always thought it was a bit strange whenever you yelled at me at the most random moments when I called you that,” I recalled.

“Hahaha yea. So-Do, I have to go now, ok,” he said.

“Ok. Mason and Lexi will be up in a bit anyways,” I told him so he would stop worrying so much about me.

“Ok, just make sure that he doesn’t try anything funny, and if he does call me right away,” he said cautioning me about Mason and what he could possibly do.

“I will and Luke already told me that,” I laughed how overprotective my brothers can be.

“Ok, well that’s good then,” he told me.

“Ok, bye,” I said as I hung the phone up.

         I have about another hour before anyone wakes up. Well, at least I wasted some time talking to Jace. I really need to find something to keep me occupied.

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