chapter 7: never forget

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Rachel here. I hope you guys vote and comment b/c i want 2 c what u guys all like about my story! please comment and vote!



It has been 5 years. 5 YEARS!!!!! 5 years since Eliza moved. 3 years since I stopped writing and she never even asked why. Huh, that is not the Eliza I knew, but people change. I never regret doing that, but sometimes I have my doubts.

The past 2 years have been beyond great. You can't begin to imagine they were like. Just when I thought all hopes of me and Mason being together were gone he asked me out!!!! I was over the moon and onto cloud 9 with happiness. Lexi and Luke were the first ones to know. I thought Luke-being the brother he is-would shoot Mason for even thinking of him and me having more than a friendship, but he didn't. His reason was that if I was happy with Mason then he was happy with me and him being together.

I haven't heard from Eliza for 3 years now until a couple of weeks ago. She sent me a letter saying how bad she feels not responding to my letters and how much she misses Lexi and me. I didn't know what to think. How am I supposed to feel like when you haven't heard from your best friend who you have not seen for 3 long years? It was all soaking in when......BAM!!!!!! She said she was coming to visit us. Why now? Why not 5 years ago? I had many different questions floating around in my head, but those 2 were the ones that were the most apparent in my head a this moment right now.

Just 2 more days. 2 more days until I'm able to see her again. The first time in 5 years. I keep on wondering how much she has changed. After all, it has been 5 years. Lexi and I have changed, but not a lot. We're the still the same 2 bubbly girls that Eliza left 5 years ago. Eliza on the other hand, I have no clue at all. She was always more advanced in her looks than us.

There's another thing special in 2 more days. It is Mason's and my 2 year anniversary. I know I told him I don't want anything at all or anything big, I'm suspecting that Lexi and him planned something for us.


                                                                       ***2 days later***

I remember this place. I haven't stepped foot into this airport for 5 years. I couldn't. It brought back too many memories. The memories of Eliza leaving us, Lexi and me crying, and my heart locket.....

I've worn it ever since. I just had to. I don't know why, but I had a feeling. I needed to. Whenever I didn't wear it somethng bad always happened.


"Hey, Lexi, have you seen my locket?" I asked her.

"Ummmm, no, why do you ask?" she asked me.

"Well, I can't find it," I told her panicking slightly.

"Well, 1 day won't hurt not being able to wear it," she teasingly told me.

"Alright fine," I said.

                                              (Cheer practice later that day)

"1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8!" coach yelled at us.

They lifted me up and  launched me into the air. I twisted a full 180 degrees and was falling to the ground like I was supposed to. Something bad is going to happen, I just know it. Usually by now I'm caught by one of the guy cheerleaders, but I wasn't. I got snapped out of my thoughts when coach started yelling.

"Guys, catch her, hurry!!!" yelled the coach frantically.

Inches from the ground I was caught. I was caught, but they didn't have that good of a grip on me since I came falling to the ground fast.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed out in pain as I clutched my arm.

    =============================End of Flashback==============================

After I broke my arm that day, I always make sure that I have my necklace on no matter what. Whether I was running, sleeping, or at practice, I had to have it on. It's like it has special powers or something. Gosh, I read way too many superstitious books.

"Flight from Dallas to Chicago has just arrived," said a very chirpy voice.

"Newbie," I said under my breath.

"What 'cha say?" Lexi asked me.

"Oh, nothing," I told her as quickly and innocently as I could.

She was about to question me why I answered that so fast when I was saved by someone yelling our names. Talk about saved by the bell.(AN: omg i love that show sooooo much. Mario Lopez looks so hot in on with the story)

"Lexi!!! Sophia!!!!" Eliza yelled over and over and over again.

Change is good, but I'm not so sure about this kind of change...........

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