Chapter 24: Talking and Something More

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                                    ***Jayden’s POV***

         I had no clue what the hell even happened. On minute I was walking over towards the group after doing a couple of rounds on the ramps, and BAM! SHE passes out. Why is SHE here? How does SHE know the group? Too many questions are floating around in my head right now. My ears are still quite numb from when Leigh, Ellie, and Scarlett freaked out from HER passing out. The memories after that are still clear as day.

                                                       ***2 hours earlier***

“Hey Jayden,” everyone greeted me.

 “Oh, fudge,” someone said. I looked over to see who said it, and I saw that it was her. I didn’t have any time to think before all the panic began.

 “Ahhh!!” Scarlett, Leigh, and Ellie screamed simultaneously.

           I stood there doing nothing at all. I had no idea what to do anyways. What could I do though?

 “Don’t just stand there! Make yourself useful for once, Jayden!” Scarlett yelled at me. What the hell am I supposed to do?! I’m a guy for crying out loud! The girls usually tell us what to do in these kinds of situations!

 “Uh….wakey-wakey,” I said while lightly slapping Sophia’s cheeks. Don’t judge me; I don’t know how to do any of this shit.

 “What do you think you’re doing?! You’re such a guy! Move!” Scarlett demanded while shoving me out of the way and taking over the problem at hand.

 “Ok,” was my smart-ass reply. By the looks of the daggers she gave me, I’m guessing she heard that.

 “She’s out cold,” Scarlett told us. “We need to get her out of here. Jayden,” she asked dragging out my name. Oh God, this can’t be good; not one bit!

 “Yes,” I skeptically answered.

 “We need to use your house right now. I’m not strong enough to carry her all the way there, so can you carry her for me,” she sweetly asked me. Damn, she knows I have a soft spot for puppy dog faces.

 “Sure,” I caved in. Not that I was complaining, though.

                                                       ***End of Flashback***

         After we reached my house, I carried her up to my bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Scarlett and Ellie left when we got there to get on time for once. Leigh went to go back to Jason and Scarlett’s house to do whatever couples do. Oh, god I just got a mental picture in my head that isn’t the greatest. I really don’t know-and don’t care-where Michael and Chase went. Probably somewhere to do something stupid like always. Now it’s just me here with her. I was going to leave and come back a while later, but I felt the need to stay. I’ve been waiting for her to wake up for a while now. I really need to talk to her about my dreams that I’ve been having for a while now.

          Ever since I was 10, I’ve been having dreams about her; Sophia Mary-Elizabeth Simmons. I never understood them. If anything they confuse me even more than they did the time before. The dreams are simple random glances of her life; her at cheer practice, her with her boyfriend, her with her friends, and finally her painting. I’ve never even told anyone about these dreams before; not even Eli. The dreams are weird enough, but the locket she has on is just plain creepy. I would know that locket anywhere and any given moment. One summer years ago, I saved up all the money that I earned from mowing random peoples’ houses in town. My mom was going on a trip to Europe for a long while, so I wanted to give her something from me so she wouldn’t forget about me. I gave it to her 2 weeks before she left. She nicknames it the ‘lucky locket’ because she was real luck whenever she had it on. When she called the airport to confirm her flight, the airline made a mistake with it so she ended up getting a First Class ticket free of charge. Those 2 weeks were so lucky for her. That was until the accident though. In the middle of her flight, the plane had to make an emergency landing due to mechanical difficulties. They landed quickly in Chicago. When all the problems were fixed, they took off again. Apparently not all of the problems were fixed. Not long after taking off from Chicago, the engine suddenly burst into flames and crashed down into a field somewhere in Ohio. There were no survivors at all. Many families lost a loved one that day; including me. There was no trace of the locket in the remains of the crash. I’ve never seen that locket since my mother took off for her trip. Well, that is, until now. I’ll have to ask her how she got in possession of the locket. My wish was being granted when she started to stir in the bed indicating that she’s starting to wake up.

 “Mmmmm,” she groaned. She rubbed her eyes before opening them then clutching her head.

 “Sleeping Beauty finally awoke,” I teased her.

 “God, my head hurts like hell,” she complained.

 “Mine would too if I did what you just did,” I admitted truthfully.

         She didn’t say anything to my last comment, but she looked completely confused. Just my luck; she doesn’t remember a thing. I guess I’ll have to explain to her then.

 “Don’t you remember? You were with Scarlett and then you passed out. You’ve been out for a while,” I explained to her. By the look on her face I’m guessing that she’s starting to remember what happened before she passed out. What even happened anyways?

 “I remember now,” she flatly told me. Damn, what did I do?!

 “This might sound quite strange, but do you know me at all,” I asked her intently.

 “Yes. No. Kind of. I don’t know,” she answered. Ok, that’s getting us nowhere.

 “What do you mean,” I questioned her.

 “Well, for one, I drew you and me in one of my paintings. Secondly, you invaded my dream last night, and finally, the locket,” she explained to me showing me the locket. I can’t believe it. I held it in my hands as I closed my eyes and let a traitor tear slip down my cheek. Before it made its way all the way down my face, I felt something warm brush the tear away. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Sophia’s thumb brushing it away. Boy was I shocked at that! She pulled her hand away quickly, but not before I could grab it. She gasped. She was shocked by that. In the next moments we just stared into each other’s eyes. What she did next shocked me beyond compare.

          She kissed me. Not a little peck, but a kiss that she planted fully on my lips. When she kissed me, she leaped out and off of the bed, but when the kiss started we ended up back on the bed. It was now a full-blown make-out session. She was straddling while fighting for the dominance in the kisses. I’ve been in control for the entire time, much to her dislike. From being a player since I could remember, I’ve learned to never let the girl take control. You have to show her who’s boss. We were getting out of breath so we pulled away and I started trailing hot, steamy kisses down her neck and to her collarbone. Once there, I bit down and sucked on it making a love bite. I started trailing back up her neck when-

 “AHHHH!!” someone screeched. We both broke apart and turned to see who it was; Scarlett. Oh, just great!

 “Uhhh...” we both started while Sophia was trying to cover up her hickey with her shirt and hair. It wasn’t working out that well.

 “WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!” Scarlett yelled at the both of us.

 “Nothing; I’ll explain later so let’s go,” she told Scarlett while pulling her out of the door and out of the house. With that, she left me wondering how much hotter she could get. Too bad she has to come back to get her helmet and skateboard…


So, I hope you all like it!! :)

~Rachel~ <3

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