The Rivalry

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Sirius' POV:
"Why are you always going to check on Reggie?" I asked James as he left the common room.
"He's your brother; I have to make sure he doesn't get hurt as your friend," he replied.
"You're like weirdly obsessed with him," Remus commented.
James' cheeks turned a slight pink before he responded, "I'm not obsessed. I just feel like he is my younger brother!"
"You're obsessed with him. Just admit it," Remus said.

James' POV:
"I'M NOT OBSESSED WITH HIM!" I yelled at Remus.
"Calm down James," Sirius said, "We were just joking."

I left and walked to the dungeons. I saw Regulus crying with his head between his knees.
"Are you ok?" I asked him.
"Why do you care?" He snapped at me.
"I just thought-"
"You just thought you could convince me to be part of your stupid little friend group. Well it's not happening!" He yelled.
"No that's not at all what I was trying to do!" I couldn't believe he thought that!
"Yes you were-"

Regulus' POV:
"-I don't like you!" The last words flew out before I could stop them. James looked very upset as he walked away. I hated seeing him like that but I had to leave it. I was supposed to hate him, but I didn't. Why am I like this? I thought.

James' POV:
I walked away, almost crying. Why did he have to hate me?

Sirius' POV:
James walked in looking upset.
"What's wrong?" Remus asked, looking up from his book.
"Regulus," James mumbled while he walked upstairs.

Word count: 265

Regulus Black's Love |Year 1| (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now