The Duel

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TW: FIGHTING, PUNCHING, YELLING (tell me if I missed anything)

Sirius' POV:
"Regulus? What about him?" I asked James, but he just walked away.
"Well that was weird," Remus commented.
"Yeah it was. I'll be right back," I followed James up to the dorm.

He was crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked and sat on the bed beside him.
"I don't want to talk about it," he mumbled.

James' POV:
"Why not?" Sirius asked.
"I just don't," I mumbled in response.
"Would you prefer I talked to him?" He asked. "I could figure out what happened if I ask him."
"NO!... I mean... he doesn't want to talk to any of us,"

Regulus' POV:
I sat on the floor after James left, and I cried. Narcissa found me and sat beside me.
"What's up?" She asked with a comforting smile on her face.
"I just told my crush I hate them... I couldn't risk mum finding out about them," I told her.
"Reggie, you shouldn't have done that,"
"I know... I really liked him too..."
"Him?" Narcissa asked, "it's a boy?" I just nodded, and she smiled before saying "Who is it?"
"James..." I mumbled
"James? Like James Potter?"

We sat in silence until I started crying again. Narcissa pulled me into a hug and we sat like that for however long. Eventually, Lucius walked up.

"Why are you acting like a baby?" He laughed.
"Stop bullying him!" Narcissa yelled and stood up.
"What are you going to do about it?"
Narcissa punched him across the face, and he pulled out his wand.
"NOO!" I yelled as he tried to cast the cruciatus curse on her. She quickly dodged it and they were soon in a duel.

Narcissa's POV:
"STUPEFY!" I heard from behind me. Regulus was standing there wand in hand as Lucius got hit by the curse. "I-I-I-I'm so sorry," Reggie stuttered.
"As you should be, you little brat!" Lucius punched him before walking away.

Word count: 331

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