The Realization

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TW: YELLING, SWEARING (always and I mean always, tell me if I missed anything)

Sirius' POV:
"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" I asked James for the 5th time that minute.
"I'm sure, I said I'm fine," He seemed mad at me for asking.
"Ok I'll leave you alone then," I said as I went to find Regulus.

Regulus' POV:
I was back in my dorm after the fight and was "reading" (really I was thinking about James) when Sirius walked in.
"Why was James upset?" He asked and sat down next to me.
"I don't know," I answered acting like I was ok.
"When I asked him he said something about you," He looked angry.
"I didn't do anything," I said losing my emotionless mask a little.
"Are you sure? He was crying because of you!"

He was crying??

"He just needs to learn how to not-" I started to say before Sirius interrupted.
"He just what Regulus? What? Because I think you need to learn how to not be such a dickhead all the time!"
I started crying again, but he just kept yelling.
"Oh so now you're going to play the victim! Not everything is about you Regulus! Why are you crying?"
I cried even more after this.
"Because I-I love James," I waited for him to start yelling again but he didn't.
"James?" He started to say slowly. "You like James? My best friend and my brother... wow."
"Please don't tell anyone. Especially James!" I made sure he heard the last part before he walked away.

Word count: 266

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