The Plan

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TW: BLOOD, FIGHTING, SWEARING, THREATS (Tell me if I missed anything)

Narcissa's POV:
"Starting tomorrow, we'll convince Reggie to 'break up' with James. This way Lucius will think that I'm on his side. He'll stop bothering us, and James and Reggie can stay together!" Sirius exclaimed.
"That sounds like a good idea, but what if Reggie thinks that we're actually trying to get him to break up with James?" I asked, sitting up.
"We'll just tell him in the morning," He replied, getting up. "I have to go, goodnight!"
"Goodnight!" I yelled after him.

The next morning

Regulus' POV:
When I woke up, Narcissa told me about her and Sirius' plan.
"Does James know about this?" I asked.
"Yeah, Sirius told him last night," She answered. "Well gotta get to class, bye!"

After all my classes, I went up to James. He was in front of Lucius, which was part of the plan.
"Hey babe! You said you needed to talk to me?" James asked as I walked up.
"Yeah, um, about that, I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry, I just never liked you. I thought it would be funny to date you!" I almost started crying, but I hid it pretty well. As he walked away, I could see a slight smile on his face, but I don't think Lucius noticed.
"Finally you realize that being 'gay' isn't normal," Lucius congratulated me. I pushed him away and walked to the dungeons. Just as we planned, James was there to go on a walk with me. He took out his invisibility cloak and covered us both in it. We walked out to the forbidden forest. He took the invisibility cloak off of us and walked ahead of me.

"What are you doing?" I yelled. "You're going to get hurt! We're not supposed to go into the forest!"
"You're too goody-goody! Have some fun for once in your life!" He yelled and ran off. I chased after him without thinking. He stopped abruptly and I ran into him. He started laughing and pulled me up. He started kissing me, and I kissed him back. We started laughing and sat down. We started kissing again.

Just then we heard a noise in the trees. Lucius walked out and me and James pulled apart from eachother.
"What are you doing? I thought you broke up with him!" He yelled as loud as he could. "Why can't you be normal?"
James jumped in front of me, and he started fighting with Lucius.
"James stop!" I started crying and hid my face. "Stop, please! You'll get hurt!"
Lucius eventually walked away, and James turned to me. He had a cut on his face and it was bleeding very badly.
"I told you not to fight him!" I yelled.
"I'm fine. It's just a little blood," he smiled and kissed me again. I pushed him away and was crying again. He didn't talk, but he put his arm around my shoulder.
"L-Lucius i-is going t-to-to t-tell mum ab-about m-me and y-you," I cried.

James' POV:
"What's so bad about that?" I asked.
"She's g-going to use th-the cruciatus curse o-on me!" He cried harder and buried his face in my shirt.
"That's illegal though!" I yelled. "She can't do that!"
"She doesn't give a fuck! Lucius will tell her, and she will try to kill me!" He yelled.
"I'm so sorry about that Reggie," I hugged him tighter, and I kissed his forehead. "You don't deserve that."
He kept crying as I walked him back to his dorm. Even though the slytherins looked at me disgusted, I didn't care. I kissed Reggie goodbye, and I went to my dorm.

Lucius' POV:
"I'm going to write Walburga a letter tomorrow do you understand Reggie?" I asked.
"I don't care Lucius," He replied. "I just don't want you to keep torturing me with threats! Please... just stop."

Word count: 664

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