The Questions

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James' POV:
"I understand now why you were obsessed with Reggie," Sirius joked when I walked into the dorm.
"What happened?" Remus asked, looking between me and Sirius.
"I'm dating Regulus," I stated, sitting on my bed. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

They left me alone and I laid down staring at the ceiling. My mind was racing, and I felt like throwing up, but I knew it was just nerves about finally dating Reggie, and what everyone else would say. A couple minutes later, Sirius walked in and sat beside me.
"What's going on? You look like shit," Sirius asked.
"First, rude. Second, nothing is wrong." I snapped.

Sirius' POV:
"Something's wrong, you've been acting weird ever since I saw you kissing Reggie. What's up?" I asked again. He didn't respond this time. "Fine. I'm leaving."
"Finally," James muttered as I went to the common room.

Remus was sitting on the floor by the fire, reading.
"Remus!" I yelled, trying to get his attention.
"What'd James say?" He asked.
"He's not talking, but I think it has something to do with Regulus," I answered.
"Well why do you think he's upset?" Remus questioned.
"I don't know," I replied.

The next day

Lucius' POV:
Regulus walked down to the common room and sat by the fire, completely ignoring the fact that I was there.
"Why are you dating Pottah? Why can't you just be normal?" I yelled at him. He continued to ignore me, so I punched him on the shoulder.
"Ow! What the hell Lucius!" He screamed.
"I will tell Walburga about you and James if you don't break up with him right now!" I yelled.
"What's all this yelling about?" Narcissa asked yawning.

"Lucius just threatened me saying he was going to tell mum about me and James if I don't break up with him," Regulus tattled to Narcissa.
"Really Lucius? Really? You're going to threaten an 11 year old... just because he's dating a boy?" Narcissa hugged Regulus and flipped me off.

Narcissa's POV:
"Yes I am! Because it's not normal!" He yelled and tried to get me away from Reggie.
"Get the fuck away from me!" I screamed. He just kept trying to pull me away. Regulus almost started crying out of fear. Lucius got me away from Regulus, and he started kicking him and punching him. I could only sit and watch because Lucius had broken my ankle. Lucius eventually stopped hitting Reggie but by then, Regulus had a broken arm and a twisted ankle. I couldn't help him and neither of us could walk. We both laid on the floor until someone helped us get to the hospital wing.

Word count: 452

Regulus Black's Love |Year 1| (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now