The First Kiss

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Sirius' POV:
"He likes me?" I asked.
"Yeah, he told me when I told him I liked Regulus... Which I thought he would keep secret," He kinda mumbled the last part.
"Well you didn't keep him liking me a secret!" I whisper-yelled.
"Well that doesn't matter! I'm going for a walk," He said angrily before getting up and walking away.

James' POV:
I walked outside over to the lake. I sat at the edge of the lake for a while before I got up and walked around the outside of it. Soon Regulus went up to me and walked beside me. We sat down a few minutes later before we eventually started talking.
"Sirius told me that you like me," I stated.
"He did?" Reggie asked. "I told him not to!"
We sat in silence for another couple of minutes, until I said something.
"I also like you,"
"Liar!" He yelled. "You hate me! You-"
I pulled him in and kissed him.
"Believe me now?"

Regulus' POV:
I blushed and kissed him back.
"Wanna go for a swim?" James asked.
"It's the middle of winter James!" I laughed.
"So?" He yelled, jumping into the water. He was still wearing his jeans and long sleeve.
"Regulus!" I heard from somewhere behind me, "What are you doing?"
"I- um I-I,"
"Save it!" Narcissa yelled as she walked up. "You can't be seen with him!"
"What's going on?" James asked, getting out of the water.
"It's none of your business Pottah!" Lucius shouted, going to stand next to Narcissa.

Still Regulus' POV:
Narcissa and Lucius brought me to Lucius' dorm room.
"Why were you with that stupid Pottah boy?" Lucius shouted at me.
"He's not stupid!" I yelled back.
"Reggie, I thought you didn't want anyone to know about you and James," Narcissa said calmly, sitting down beside me.
"I didn't want James to know, because I thought James hated me!" I screamed. "I know that he likes me now, so can I please just date him without you two ruining it!"
"Reggie, calm down. I'm just stating what I was told," Narcissa commented.
"Why do you even care about Pottah?" Lucius rudely asked.
"Because I love him Lucius! I don't give a fuck about what you think!" I stormed out of the room, leaving them both shocked.

Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. My mental health has been horrible for the past month-or-so. I finally found enough motivation to write. It might be a while until my next update. Sorry again!

- simpforMauraders

Word count: 431

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