The Hospital Wing

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Regulus' POV:
I don't know what happened, but I woke up in the hospital wing. I found James sitting beside me and Narcissa in a bed across from me.
"What happened?" I asked, suddenly feeling a pain in my arm.
"Lucius broke your arm, and he twisted your ankle," James told me. "You were also unconscious."
Madam Pomfrey walked into the room just then. "Oh Regulus, you're finally awake. I already gave you something to help your arm, and something for your ankle. You should be able to return to class tomorrow," She told me.
"Sounds good," I replied, trying to remember exactly what happened.
"Visiting hours are over," She told James. He left and went to class.

James' POV:
"How's Reggie?" Sirius whispered as soon as I sat down.
"He's awake now, and he can go back to class tomorrow," I whispered back.
"Good," Sirius replied. "Lucius sucks, like why did he have to hurt my baby brother?"
"He is two years younger than you!" I kind of laughed.
"What is so funny that you have to interrupt me, Mr. Potter?" McGonagall asked.
"Sorry professor, it won't happen again,"
"Just like you said you wouldn't be late to class again last time, yet here we are," she said.
I don't know if she was joking or not, but I didn't talk the rest of class.

Sirius' POV:
Why would Lucius do that? He's so fucking dumb! Why would he hurt an 11 year old! I fucking hate him!
"Hello Sirius," I heard from across the hall.
"What do you want Lucius?" I yelled at him.
"I want you to help me get James and Regulus to break up," He stated, walking closer to me. "I know your precious little brother is getting out of the hospital wing tomorrow. That's when the plan will start. Ok?"
"No Lucius! I don't want to part of your stupid plan!"
"Fine you stupid bitch! I never wanted your help anyway Sasha!" He walked away after flipping me off.

In the hospital wing

Still Sirius' POV:
I sat next to Narcissa and started talking to her while Reggie was sleeping.
"Lucius is trying to get me to help him break James and Regulus up!" I whisper-yelled so that Reggie wouldn't wake up.
"That dick!" Narcissa whispered back. "He has some nerve breaking Reggie's arm and then breaking Regulus and James up!"
"We should try to get back at him with our own plan!"
"Yes! But what would that plan be?"

Word count: 426

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