10- New Girl

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My mom drove me to school. She looked more nervous than I did. Here we were. Crest Fall High. I think it used to be called Crescent Fall High, judging by the space between cres and t. I guess the letters fell off. This place did look ancient but not run-down.

My mom parked right in front of the entrance. I can already see I caught people's attention. I unbuckled my seat belt and turned to look at my mom. "Well this is it. It's time to fill the position of the new girl." I said.

She cupped my cheek. "You're a brave girl, Terra. Don't let this affect you too much. If anything happens, call me and I'll pick you up. There's always home-schooling again. Plus, you have Maggie and you're mate right there with you."

Speaking of mate, I felt his presence around here somewhere. Then I spotted him. He was staring right at me, barely paying attention to his friends. He started walking towards my mom's car. I wasn't aware that she was calling my name repeatedly.

"Terra Lisa Fern, are you listening to me?" My mother asked.

I turned to her. "What? Oh sorry, no. I was just-"

"Gawking at your mate? Yeah, I sort of figured."

Just then Collin was at my window, looking as handsome as ever. "Hello, Terra." He smiled at me. Then, he looked at my mom. "And you must be Terra's. . . sister?" He extended his hand out to my mom, which she graciously accepted.

My mom giggled, but then her face lit up in recognition. "Collin. . . Collin Mitchell. . . as in the Alpha's son Collin Mitchell?

"That would be me, yes." He responded.

"Wow, I haven't seen you since you were a baby. You were so small then, and look at you now, you've gotten so big!" She exclaimed.

What? They know each other? Since when?

I looked between the both of them. "How?" Was all I could say, I was too surprised. How did my mom already know him?

"I met Collin when he was just a baby and I was still pregnant with you. I had went to speak with his father to ask him if he'd let you in the pack. Oh, no wonder you clung to me. Your wolves already knew. Oh, how sweet."

Wow, that's also pretty cool. I looked at Collin and smiled up at him, and he smiled back.

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you now, Mrs. Fern, you know, not in baby form. I can see now where Terra inherited her beauty." He said.

My mom giggled, again. "He's quite the charmer, Terra. I like him. And please, call me Marie."

'Kiss up.' I said.

'Only when it comes to your body, T.' He retorted.

Okay, I had to admit that was sort of hot. But, I wasn't about to show that his comment affected me in the slightest, especially not in front of my mom. I glared at him.

"All right, Terra, I think it's time for me to go," my mom said. You're in very good hands now and I don't want you two to be late. Collin, I expect you to take very good care of my daughter. Remember, I know where you live!" She warned him, pointy finger and all, mostly joking, though. "I'll see you later, sweetheart. Remember, if anything happens, just call me. I love you."

"I love you, too, mom." I kissed her goodbye then she ushered me out of the car and drove off. I bumped into Collin. He caught me by my waist before I fell but I stumbled back so there wouldn't be a repeat of yesterday.

'I want a repeat of yesterday.'

'Don't push it, Collin.'

* * *

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