11- It's a Date

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It's been two weeks since my first day at school, and what can I say? I'm surviving. It's Friday and Collin and I were at the park, near the swings, leaning back on a tree. We found ourselves coming here everyday after school. It became sort of like our own private sanctuary.

Collin's head was resting on my stomach, and my arm was laying over his chest. We were reading a book for English class. Well. . . I was reading and Collin was more like flipping through the pages of the book.

"This is boring. Can we stop?" Collin asked.

I laughed. "You've barely read a page. Now, continue reading until you've reached chapter four."

He pouted. "Bossy much."  

I smiled. "And don't you forget it."

After awhile, I realized that Collin was very quiet. I thought he finally decided to read his book but I looked down and noticed his book was closed. He looked very deep in the thought.

I closed my book and began to run my fingers through his hair. I decided to take a break. Honestly, I was starting to get bored, too.

"Hey, T." Collin said, breaking the silence.


"What would you say to going out with me on Saturday?"

"What do you mean 'going out'? As in an actual date?" I didn't want to admit it but the thought appealed to me. I was getting giddy.

He smiled. "Yes. Our first official date, since that whole day at the park didn't really count. I want to make it up to you by asking you first. So, what do you say, T? Is it a date?"

I already knew the answer but decided to pause for dramatic effect. He looked about ready to break a sweat, so I decided to take him out of his misery. "It's a date."


Short, I know. But it was just a filler. Plus, I wanted the actual date to be it's own chapter. So until next time, Beauties. Hope you liked it. 

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