20- A Few Surprises

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"Wow. Is that seriously all I've missed?" Maggie asked.

"Yep. That's what you miss when you're away for 3 weeks." I said.

"Hey, it's not my fault my mom is worried me and Evan are. . . you know."

I chuckled. "Well are you?"

Maggie gave me a look. "Sorry, I don't kiss and tell." I rolled my eyes then we both laughed. "But I have missed my Evi-pooh." Maggie whined.

"Yeah, I'm sure I've heard him howling at the moon more than a few times, missing you dearly."

Maggie pouted. "Awe, my Evi-pooh. I've missed him so much. Which reminds me, I need to call him. He doesn't know I'm back yet."

Then there was a knock on my bedroom door. Collin entered and said, "Am I interrupting something? Oh, hey Maggs, I heard you were back."

Maggie's eyes widened. "You didn't tell Evan did you?"

"No, Terra's mom just told me now-"

"Okay, T, gotta go before he does find out." Maggie hugged me goodbye. "Bye Collin!" She waved then scrambled out of the room.

I laughed and checked Collin out. "Hey there, my sexy mate." I said, as I got up from my bed and went to kiss him.

He groaned. "Hello yourself, beautiful. You know, it took awhile for me to get up here, seeing as your dad was down there giving me the evil eye."

I smiled. Ever since I met him two weeks ago, he's been protective as ever especially around Collin. "Well I guess that deserves another kiss." I said, seductively.

Collin pulled me tighter against his hard body, caressing my cheek. "Oh, I know it does." He put his lips against mine but before we could take it a step further, someone cleared their throat. We stepped away from each other abruptly.

"Terra, your mother wants you to know that dinner is almost ready. Collin, she also says you're welcome to stay." Richard said, all the while giving Collin a warning look.

I blushed. "All right, dad, we'll be right down." Richard nodded, still staring at Collin when he closed the door.

We laughed and I shook my head. I went in to give Collin another kiss when a voice broke out. "Maybe I should leave the door open."

"Dad!" I screamed, scolding him. Still so weird to say that word, but I'll get used to it.

"Fine, fine, I get it. But remember, there is another werewolf in this house; an Alpha." His eyes changed to purple to emphasize his point. "And I hear everything, especially your heart beat accelerating Collin-"

"Dad, c'mon, stop!" He finally got the hint but not before giving Collin the 'I'm watching you' gesture, which effectively made Collin squirm.

I laughed. "Well, I guess we should go downstairs. We don't want my dad barging in again." I tried to pull away from him but he wouldn't let go. 

I was about to say something but he beat me to it. "How are things going? With your father, I mean. I noticed you started calling him dad." He was brushing his hands up and down my sides. I had to bite my lip to stop a moan.

I sighed and then smile. "Yeah, it just started this week actually. You should have seen his face when I started calling him dad. He was so happy. Like so so happy, you had to be there because my description wouldn't do it justice. 

"And things are actually going pretty great. You know, I thought I would be more against the idea of him staying here for awhile, or just him altogether but I'm not. I've forgiven him and my mom. We all make mistakes and I think it's important to not dwell too much on it and move on."

Collin smiled, pecking my lips. "I'm glad to hear it, babe. It's so wise and mature of you and damn, if I don't think it's sexy." He squeezed my sides, tickling me. I chuckled and bit his bottom lip, kissing him. I heard my mom yelling that the food was ready so I pulled away, but it seemed Collin really did not want to let go.

"Collin, stop," I giggled as he kissed my neck. "We have to go downstairs."

He groaned. "Fine. I'll let you go. . . for now." He pulled away from me. "Just let me go freshen up." 

"Okay. You know where the bathroom is." I pecked his lips and headed for the door but his voice stopped me.

"Hey, Terra. . ."

I turned around. "Yeah?" 

"I love you." He said, with so much passion and desire in his eyes that It gave me butterflies in my stomach.

I blushed. "And, I love you." I went to kiss him and then headed out the door.

Little did Terra know that those four little words caused great joy to spread in Collin's heart and it only fueled his confidence of asking her a very important question. He reached in his back pocket, feeling the velvety surface. "Can't wait for graduation." He mumbled and went inside the bathroom.

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