7- The Aftermath

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Terra's POV

I woke up from the most amazing dream I've had to date. I dreamt that Collin and I finally met face to face and he understood my hesitation then we talked the whole night and I fell asleep in his arms.

'It wasn't a dream, genius. It was real! You were finally caught by our sexy mate and we had the best night with him...' My wolf said.

What? So. . . my dream was actually not a dream at all? Just my brain recounting the memories of last night?

'Yup, that's exactly what it was. Next time, try to have the best night with him in between the sheets, will you? I can't take him looking all gorgeous and not being able to pounce on him.'

'Geez, Wolfie, calm your raging hormones. We're just taking it one step at a time. We won't rush into anything. . .' I said.

'Yet. . .' Wolfie retorted.

She didn't say anything after that. I stretched my limbs out, getting out of bed. It was then that I noticed Maggie was sleeping on the couch in my room. I can't believe she helped Collin. I guess a little revenge won't hurt. I picked up the pillow and started making my way towards her. I lifted the pillow and hit her right in the face. She squealed and fell on the floor.

"What the fu. . .Terra? What was that for?" She exclaimed.

"Oh I think you know. . ." I said.

"What? No, Terra what's going on?" She asked, looking completely confused.

"So I guess you didn't devise a plan to get me and Collin to meet?" I crossed my arms. Although I wasn't really mad, I was sort of peeved that she'd do this behind my back despite my wishes.

Her face paled. "Oh shit, well, you see, what had happened was. . ."

I started to laugh. "Save it Maggs. I'm just playing. I'm not really mad. I guess I should thank you, though. You gave me that push I needed to at least talk to the guy."

She exhaled in relief and laughed. "Oh thank goodness! I thought you were going to rip my head off!"

I smiled. "It's still very tempting."

She stopped laughing and looked at me. We just stared at each other for a short while until we burst out laughing.

After all the laughter subsided Maggie said, "Hey T, I'm really glad you chose to accept Collin. After the whole hiding from mate debacle, it's nice to see you finally relaxed and happy."

I sighed. "Yeah, me too. Honestly, it wasn't easy but something in me just clicked. It's like I wanted to give him a chance. When I saw him, all my worries went away. Well. . .not all but some. Is that weird? It's weird. . . isn't it?"

"Not at all. I get what you mean, T. I feel that way about Evan sometimes. I guess it's a wolf instinct."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just hope. . ."

"Oh no, Terra! No negativity! Don't second guess! Stop overthinking. It's meant to be." Just then Maggie's phone went off, indicating a text coming in. She looked at it and then smiled.

"Who is it?" I asked, though I knew.

"What? Oh, just Evan saying good morning. Hey T, let's go to the park. We haven't been to the park in a while." She got off the bed, heading for the bathroom.

"Um, sure. Okay, let's go."

"Great. Mind if I use your bathroom first?" She didn't even wait for an answer and closed the door behind her.

"No not at all Maggie. Go right ahead!" I screamed at her through the door.

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