1- A Great Escape

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Running. . .

It's a great escape. You can run away and never look back. It helps clear the mind. Build stamina. Lose weight.

All great reasons to run. However, none of them apply to me.

I was running away from something. . . from someone, actually. Someone who happens to be my soulmate, the one I'm meant to be with forever, blah, blah, blah, or so they tell me. But, I just so happen to believe that mates are bad news.

"Please, come back! I need to see you. I know you're my mate and I know you know it too. Why do you run from me?" He pleaded. I could hear the urgency in his voice and it almost made me want to slow down, but I didn't. I couldn't. Stupid wolf.

Why do I run from you? Hmm, let's see. Because you might just trick me into thinking you love me and then break my heart into a million pieces, dooming us for existence. Just like my father did to my mother. Yeah, no thanks.

But I didn't say that out loud.

"You know, I will catch you eventually!" He said.

Oh shit, well, that's scary. . . and secretly exciting. Damn you, wolf brain. It only made me run faster. I couldn't fall into his trap. I wouldn't.

The woods were coming into view.

I smirked.

I knew he couldn't follow me in there. The Midnight Moon Woods was enchanted by a witch my mom once knew. She was kind enough to leave me this territory all to myself. It was a safe haven for me since the first time I turned into my wolf. The witch put a spell on it so that anyone I didn't want near me couldn't trespass. There's a particular part I loved the most and it was invisible to the rest of the world if I willed it to be. It was my shield from my mate or anyone else who bothered me.

Well, I guess it was time to let wolfie run free.

I changed into my midnight blackish-blue wolf and made my great escape into my neck of the woods.

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