2- I Will Find You

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I sensed her before I saw her. And she knew it too because she ran out of there like her life depended on it. Maybe to her it did. . .

But I couldn't let her escape, not this time.

"Hey Collin, where you going?" My friend Evan asked.  

But I didn't answer. I just focused on finally catching my mate, the one I'm meant to be with. My forever.

Okay, get it together Collin. Focus on catching your girl.

She's been running away from me for weeks now. And I have to admit, it hurts to know that she's running from me. I don't understand why, though. I can't really ask her because every time I sense her, she's gone. Well, not this time. I need to find out why she does this.

"Please, come back! I need to see you. I know you're my mate and I know you know it too. Why do you run from me?" I asked.  

Maybe she'll answer?. . .

                                                                                     . . .

. . .Silence. What, a guy can dream! But I wasn't giving up so easily.

"You know, I will catch you eventually." I said. And I would. But the chances of me catching her right now were not looking so good. But I mustn't give up. I can't!

Wait, where is she? 

I can't see her. But I can smell her scent. What a delicious scent that is.

Vanilla and coconut.

I follow what I think is her route of destination and come across the infamous Midnight Moon Woods. Some freaky shit can happen in here. Just as I was about to enter I was stopped by an. . . unknown force.

See, some freaky shit but what the fuck?

I tried to go in again but this force, this goddamn force prevented me from ever catching my mate. . . for now.

"Damn it! I almost had you! But don't worry my beautiful mate! I will find you and make you mine!" I yelled. Though I doubt she heard me. That last part was the wolf, I will admit. He's anxious to get to her as am I.

With both human and animal feeling pretty defeated, I decided to go back to the diner where she ran from me. But I didn't go inside. I went straight to my car.

"Yo, dude, wait up!" yelled Evan. "What has gotten into you? First you act all strange. Then you totally bail on us tonight. What's wrong?"

Should I tell him? I sighed. 

"I found my mate." I mumbled but it was barely above a whisper, but I know he heard me, what, with our bionic wolf ears and all.

"Wow, that's awesome. Congrats!" He responded.

"Yeah, no it really isn't because she ran away from me. Every time I'm near her she runs away from me. The reason I didn't answer you back there was because I was too focused on chasing her. Finally getting her to stop running from me. But she was too fast." I explained. And probably too good for me.

"Whoa man, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Evan said. There was a brief moment of silence before he cut it off. "So what are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know. I was thinking of telling my parents, explaining my predicament to them. Maybe we can do a search party or something."

"Great idea but I'd do it tomorrow. You should get some rest. You look exhausted."

"Yeah. . . maybe you're right. I'm heading home. I'll see you later, Ev."

"Bye Collin. And if you need any help, just know I got your back." I nodded, went inside my car, and drove off.

I remember the first time I met her . . . well the first time I knew I had a mate. It was 3 weeks ago. It was my birthday and my buds threw me a party. It was one of the best nights of my life. I was dancing with this girl when I smelled something utterly breathtaking. I stopped dancing and followed that scent. I didn't see her face, only her black, curly hair but I knew she was gorgeous. I guess she sensed me too, because her body stiffened and she did something I wasn't expecting.  

She ran away. She fucking ran away.

My wolf was howling at me to run after her. And I did. I actually thought I would catch up with her. I mean I am the Alpha's son. How hard could it be? 

It proved to be way harder than I imagined. With her fast running plus the people in my way and the girl I had danced with earlier blocking the view of my mate, I couldn't catch up with her. By the time I maneuvered my way out of the group of people, got rid of the girl, and ran out the door, she was gone. 

I was so heartbroken. Why wouldn't she want me? Is she going to reject me? I hit the steering wheel in anger. I couldn't let that happen. Not in a million years!  

I soon realized that I made it to my house. I parked the car and took the keys out of the ignition. I unlocked the door to find my mom and dad still awake, watching a movie. I thought about telling them now.

The sooner I told them my plan, the faster I would get my mate. . . .

You know what? Screw waiting until tomorrow. Now is the perfect time.

I turned on the lights which got their attention.

"Mom, Dad, I need to tell you something. I need your help."

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