12- Caught In the Rain

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"Okay, so what's the emergency? You sounded terrified on the phone and now you're scaring me. What's wrong, Terra?" Maggie said, after I opened the door for her. Of course I called her. I needed her. My first official date!

As she was making her way over to the couch, I blurted out, "I need your help. Collin asked me out on a date and I have no idea what to wear. I mean I've never been on a date so how do I do this?" I was blabbering.

Maggie walked towards me and put her hands on my shoulders. "Terra, don't worry. Collin is your mate and you guys have hung out a couple of times, so you shouldn't feel awkward about this. Even if it's your first official date, think of it as just another hangout."

She was right. Collin and I have hung out before he asked me out. So I shouldn't feel awkward about this at all. Everything will be fine.

I sighed in relief and all the tension in my body went away. "You're right, Maggs. I was just overreacting. Collin is such a sweet guy and I'm sure he'll still like me in anything I wear.

"Yeah and I'm sure if he had a choice, he would have you wear nothing at all." She winked at me.

I chuckled. "Stop, Maggs." I'm positive there was already a light tint of pink coating my cheeks.

She laughed. "You know it's true, T."

After the way Collin and I have been flirting and teasing each other, she did have a point, but, I wasn't going to admit that. I decided to change the subject. "Okay, so are you going to help me find a perfect outfit for this date, or what?"

"Of course, T. What did you have in mind?"

"Come with me." We headed upstairs to my room, which looked like my closet threw up on it.

"Whoa, what happened in here?" Maggie asked.

I sighed. "I told you, I need your help."

* * *

After a long, painful process of choosing what to wear, we went with a strapless dress. It had a boho-embroidered top and a navy skirt. I decided to wear ballet flats. I was not about to wear heels. What if there's a lot of walking? My moon amulet hung right above my cleavage. . . What, I didn't go all out, but he'll get the picture. Wink, wink.

Maggie did my make up and my hair flowed in natural curls. I had to say, I looked gorgeous and I was positive Collin would think so too.

"You look hot, T. I don't know how Collin will keep his hands off you." Maggie chuckled.

I laughed because I was thinking the same thing. I heard the doorbell ring. He was here. I smiled. For the first time, I wasn't nervous. I was actually excited.

"Terra, honey, Collin is-" My mom stood there, eyeing me with tears in her eyes. "Oh, Terra, mija, you look beautiful."

I smiled and gave her a hug. "Thanks mom."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," She pulled away from me and put her hands on my shoulders. "Now, don't leave the poor boy waiting. He looks just about ready to burst into a sweat. Go down there and have fun tonight." She cupped my cheek.

I smiled up at her. "Will do."

My mom and Maggie headed downstairs. Something about wanting me to make a big entrance. I waited for Maggie's cue then headed downstairs. I could hear the sweet, sexy timbre of his deep voice. He looked so dashing in his fancy black shoes, black jeans, a white, buttoned down shirt, and a leather jacket. I can already feel my wolf call to him. He must have noticed because he turned around and faced me. I noticed he was holding these white flowers. Aw, were those for me?

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