21- A Proposition

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It was seven months after my father had arrived and things were going well. He decided to stay for a little while longer. From time to time he would check up on his pack, which was under the care of his Beta, Derek. Today was the day of my graduation and we were all lined up to enter the school building. I could tell Maggie was excited. She decided not to go to college, much to Daphne's disapproval, and pursue a life long journey of traveling with Evan. But they would be here just in time for Evan to own up to his Beta duties.

Collin will be the true Alpha once he finishes college, having me as his Luna beside him. I had to admit, I was a little nervous about guiding the whole pack, being as I've never done that before, but I love Collin and that's all that matters.

I looked at Collin and saw that he was looking back. I blushed and turned away, looking down and smiling. Boy, did he look good in that graduation robe. Though you couldn't see much, you could tell he was strong and well-built. I can just imagine him naked in front of me and the thought made me blush even more. I breathed in and out to cool myself down.

I've been getting more and more aroused at the idea of my mate and me in between the sheets, well more than usual, at least. Collin's mom, Serena, says that it's normal, that I might be going into heat because I've met my mate. To be honest I was a little scared. Serena also says that when a she-wolf goes into heat, all the unmated wolves catch her scent and want to jump her bones unless her mate claims and then mates her. She says it's even worse for an Alpha Female. You can see why I'm scared now, but I know Collin would be nothing but gentle unless I want it rough. My wolf liked that idea because she began to stir.

'Calm down, Terra. You can't think like this now. You're about to graduate, for goodness sakes.' I said to myself. 

'That's right, mate. Stop thinking like that or I won't be held responsible for the actions my wolf is willing to take to get you in my bed, willing and panting.' Collin chimed in, through our bond link. Man, if that didn't leave me turned on. . . . .

I looked at him again but this time I could see the desire in his eyes but behind that I saw something else. Nervousness.

Why would he be nervous? We were going to the same college. It's not like we were going to be far away from each other. Before I could think any further, 'Pomp and Circumstance'  blew up on the speakers and the line started moving forward. This was it.

As I walked through the auditorium, I could see my parents, all smiles and tears. I saw them sharing a kiss, all the love shone through their eyes. It warmed my heart that they were finally happy and that I was happy too. With them, together.

* * * 

"Terra, we did it! We finally graduated!" Maggie said, hugging me, jumping up and down. I couldn't help but join in on the excitement. I saw Evan behind her, smiling. We were still in the auditorium and we were about to head out to the diner downtown, near the park.

"I know!" I pulled away from her. "But I'm sad I won't get to see you for the whole summer. You'll be away with Evan." I pouted.

"Hey, hey, hey, no sad faces. You're going to make her change her mind." Evan said, hugging me.

"All right, all right, fair enough," I said, putting my hands up in surrender. "But you better take care of her, mister! Or I'll hunt you down!" I pointed a finger at him.

"Trust me, she'll be in very great hands." He said, pulling Maggie towards him, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay, stop it, we get it, we get it. You guys are crazy for each other." Collin said, standing next to me but not before ruining Evan and Maggie's moment. They pulled away from each other, reluctantly. Collin pecked my cheek.

"So where you guys headed?" I asked.

Evan and Maggie looked at each other, smiling. "We were thinking maybe heading out to the City of Love." Evan said, nuzzling his nose against Maggie's neck, causing her to squeal.

"Oh, Paris! That's wonderful! I'll miss you guys dearly." I didn't want to show that I was sad about this because I wasn't. I was just really going to miss my best friend.

"Oh, Terra," Maggie said, hugging me once again. "I'll be in town for your birthday, so we'll see each other very soon. I promise."

"I know, Maggs, I know."

* * *

"What a beautiful night. The moon is out, the stars are glistening." Collin said. We were walking in the park, holding hands. I'm surprised my father let us go after we finished our dinner. But he did, giving Collin a warning look, this time with light in his eyes while my mother gave us a knowing smile. What were those two up to?

"I couldn't agree more." I said, kissing his lips. We stopped at our sanctuaryI sat on the swing, looking up at the stars. Collin sat against the trunk of the tree. After awhile, he spoke up.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked.

I looked at him and saw he was looking at the sky. "Yes, I know. And I love you." I caressed his cheek and he kissed my open palm. We sat there in comfortable silence again, holding hands. 

"You know," He spoke up again. "I was thinking of many different ways to approach this but it seems I can't get it right."

"What do you mean?" I didn't look at him this time. I watched as the stars beamed, looking like little diamonds.

Collin kneeled in front of me, playing with my hair. "What I mean, Terra, is that I love you so much. You're the reason I wake up in the morning, happy, and excited to see you and the reason I love going to sleep so I can dream about you; about what our life will be like together." He rubbed my stomach. "How you would look like with our child growing inside of you." I looked down at him and saw tears threatening to escape his eyes. He warmed my heart with his words. I didn't think it was possible to love him even more. Guess I was wrong. 

"What I'm trying to say, Terra, is. . . um. . ."

I was confused. I've never seen him so vulnerable before. "Yes?"

He pulled away from me, still kneeling, reaching for his back pocket to take something out. I couldn't see it clearly but then he said, "Will you marry me?" 

I gasped. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring adorned in bright red rubies. "Collin. . ."

"I know we're still young so I have a proposition for you." He wiped the tears that seemed to be running down my face. I didn't even notice. I was easily distracted by what was happening before me, but I heard what he said.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. "Do you, now?" I was amused and touched.

He smiled. "Yes. Though we are still young, I want the whole world to know, both humans and werewolves alike, that you are mine and I'm never letting you go. If you say yes, we don't have to get married right away. We can wait until we are a little bit older or even after college." 

I contemplated what he said. After a few minutes I made it look like I was still thinking, though I already knew the answer.

"So. . . what do you say? Will you do me the most gracious honor of becoming my wife. . . when we're ready?"

I looked him in those beautiful hazel eyes that showed the love and desire he had for me and said whole-heartedly, "Yes." 

That one word was all it took for him to kiss me senseless until I felt him slip the ring on my finger. I looked down at it. It was a sign of our bond as mates and I will cherish it forever. I kissed the ring and then I kissed him again under the moonlight.

And look at that, no rain. . .

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