15- Meet and Greet (Part 2)

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The pain she felt long ago came rushing in as if lightning struck her heart. His crystal blue orbs pierced her soul. He looked happy to see her. Too bad the feeling wasn't mutual.


"Don't!" She closed her eyes. The very timber of his voice got her aroused. She couldn't believe that after all these years, he still affected her this way. She opened her eyes and looked straight into his. "Don't speak. I don't want to hear you." That was a lie. She wanted him to talk; to tell her how the hell he found her. But not in front of Terra. . .Terra! Her Terra... their Terra.

"Mom, what's going on? Who is this?"

She was near tears. She had to get Terra away from here. "Terra, honey, please go back to the living room."

"What, no! Mom, tell me what's going on!" Terra demanded.

Around this time, Serena and Collin came out of the kitchen. Collin sensed his mate was in distress. He had to get her out of there. "Terra, come, let's go to the park." He took her arm and tried to pull her out the door but a voice stopped them.

"Like hell you will! I will not let you take my daughter!" He yelled.

Everyone froze. Terra loosened her arm from Collin's grip. She couldn't believe her ears. "What did you just say?"

Alice couldn't take it anymore. "Collin, please get her out of here."

He nodded and grabbed Terra in his arms. "No, stop! Let go of me!" She said.

Richard growled. "You heard her, pup. Leave her the fuck alone. Don't make me rip your throat out."

"Watch yourself, wolf," Mike said. "Now I know you're an Alpha but this is my territory and I won't have you making threats to the people I love. You either control yourself or I will kick you out and ban you forever."

"You can't do that, Mike! She's my mate. I came here for her and I sure as hell won't leave without her or my daughter." He growled.

"I understand that Rick but you can't come here and—"

"Just stop! Everyone, please just... stop." Alice said, barely above a whisper. Tears were streaming down her face. She was tired of this. She couldn't stand seeing him again, let alone seeing Terra suffer like this. "I will speak with you... in private!"

"But mom—"

"Enough Terra! Please just listen to me." She could hear her mother's desperation in her voice. So she decided to listen to her mother's orders and head out the door, not looking back.

"Wait Terra—" Alice called back, but it was too late. She was already gone.

"Don't worry. I'll find her and bring her back." With that being said, Collin left to go find his mate and bring her back to safety. At this point he didn't know where that was, but he just wanted her in his arms.

Alice turned to face the Mitchell's and said, "I'm so sorry for this. It was great seeing you again after many years. Thank you for inviting me to dinner. I had a very lovely time. Again, I'm very sorry." She then faced Richard, pain and shame etched in her face. He didn't like that. He didn't want her to feel that. He just wanted them to be together.

"Alice, I—"

She lifted up her hand to signal that she didn't want to hear him until they were alone. "Just shut up and start walking."

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