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"How could you!" She exclaimed, trying to pack her things, feeling horrified, disappointed, disgusted, hurt... need I go on?

"Alice, I'm sorry! Please! It was just a spur of the moment. It will never happen again. I promise. Please, forgive me! I'm begging you!" He pleaded, remorseful, worried, heart beating fast...

"No Richard! How do you expect me to ever forgive you after what you've done?!" She retorted, heart heavy, breathing rapidly. Oh goodness, she felt like she was going to faint.

"It was a mistake! It was a horrible mistake that shouldn't have happened. I missed you! It was killing me to not have you in my arms. To not touch you. To not kiss you. To not make sweet, passionate love to you. She just reminded me of you so much that I couldn't... I couldn't help myself! God!" What was wrong with him? Does he hear himself? He looked down, ashamed. "I imagined you the whole time--"

"Don't you dare say another word." She exclaimed, her words calculated. "How comforting, right? But you didn't think how I would feel after, did you?" Her voice was so low he needed to use his werewolf bionic ears to hear it. She was doing it on purpose, her patience was wearing thin. "God, that's sick! You're sick!" Something over took her, something harsh, animalistic... 

'Ironic,' she thought, seeing as how he's the animal here and she saw that today. "Did you really expect that to make me feel better? That I would forgive you and run into your arms like my world didn't just collapse from under me?"

He was stunned, speechless. All he could muster was an "I'm so--" before she cut him off.

"Shut up! Admit it. You couldn't bear to have some weakling, little human as a mate. The big bad Alpha mated with a human! Ha! How embarrassing, right? How deplorable." She said as she stuffed her suitcase.

"That's not true," He interjected.

"Oh, c'mon. You've never cared for me, clearly. All the shame I brought to you. I could never compare to those other she-wolves because I'm nothing but a mere mortal!" She yelled, sarcastically, but her words rang in her head. She knew her worth, but something about this relationship always made her question herself. She'd be damned if he ever found out her true insecurities.

"No!" He yelled back; again, her words hitting him like multiple stabs to his body. He tried to get close to her, tears in both their eyes. She stepped back. She didn't want him near her. He tried to calm his wolf, tried to make her see that it was just a one time thing but to no avail.

"That's not true. None of that is true. Fuck! This is all my fault!" That's when he really broke down, crying on the floor, going on his knees, begging her to forgive his selfish act.

"I'm sorry Alice! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I didn't treat you like you deserve to be treated. I'm such an idiot. I should've waited but not having you near me was killing me! She was the closest thing I had to you." He said.

She scoffed, towering over him. "Bullshit! I was just one phone call away and you knew that! I would've gladly answered and come to you. But hey, I did anyway. Stupid me decided to surprise you and look what I came to find. You couldn't keep it in your pants! Surprise!"

She laughed. "God, I'm so stupid! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you but I couldn't help it! I wanted you. I couldn't understand it but I knew I wanted you! And now, you broke any illusions I had of us being together!" She choked on her tears, finally breaking down on the floor, on her knees, crying her eyes out, her resolve finally weakening. 

He wanted to comfort her, to tell her he was the stupid one. But what he really wanted was to turn back time. Then the last part of what she said finally registered in his brain, like a bucket of ice water.

"No!" Shaking his head, fiercely, breathing rapidly. "No! No! No! I will not let you go!" He said, standing, this time grabbing her, bringing her close to him. "I will never let you go! I will not leave you! Over my dead body!" 

She tried to push him away but it was like pushing a wall. "I'm the one leaving you. Richard, let me go! I can never forget what you did. You broke us! You gave up on us the moment you slept with her!" She said, heartbroken. Each word held a venomous bullet that pierced his heart. He could feel the hatred and sadness.

"God, it was a mistake! How many times do I have to tell you? What can I do to convince you, huh?" He said, holding her head in his hands, lovingly. "Tell me."

She tried to pull away but the pull was stronger than both of them. "You can say it as many times as you want, but it will never change the fact that it happened. You cheated on me!" She said, looking him deeply in his eyes. He winced at her words. Then she did something neither one of them was expecting.

She kissed him.

With all her might, strength, love, every inch of it that was manifested in her, she kissed him, as if her life depended on it.

He immediately kissed back, with the same passion and intensity as her. He needed her like his lungs needed air. He knew that she needed time, that she needed space; two things he didn't want to give her.

He was thrilled she made this bold move of kissing him, but just as quickly saddened at the fact that this might be their last embrace for a long time.

She pulled away reluctantly. "Fuck, I love you Richard! I really do. I love you with all my heart, body, and soul, but I need some time to think." She admitted.

"I know, my love, I know." He reached for her cheek, gently stroking it, resting his head on hers. She allowed it. "And I will give it to you but I need to know if you will be back by my side; as my mate, my wife, my Luna." He said with such love. . . and tears in his eyes.

She sighed.

She knew this would be the last time they would ever see each other. Or so she hoped. But she also knew that if he found out what she was planning, what she was hiding, he would tie her to the bed and make sure she never saw the light of day.

Her mind was made up.

She can't live a life of fantasy anymore. She had to escape this mad world of mythical creatures. She couldn't handle it anymore. It couldn't be real! It wasn't healthy for her; always comparing herself, doubting herself, thinking she wasn't enough for her beloved soulmate because of her human lineage. It wasn't who she was as a woman. How could a human be enough for a werewolf? She didn't want to feel this way ever. . .

"I need time Richard." She pulled from his embrace. "When I'm ready, I will come back to you. As a strong Luna for your pack-"

"Our pack, Alice." He intercepted.

"Of course," She smiled, a weak smile. "Our pack." She closed her suitcase and faced him.

"You're already a strong Luna for our pack, my darling. You're perfect just the way you are. The love of my life. But I get it. I fucked up and you need time. I will give it to you. Just hurry back, please." He kissed her forehead. He pulled away, reluctantly. "I'm so sorry for the pain I have caused. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you Alice!" Little did he know that she already forgave him. She didn't want to leave him but she had to. She couldn't stay here.

She didn't belong here.

It was his turn to surprise her by kissing her. But she pulled away too soon.

"Goodbye, Richard." With those final words, she walked away.

She left him standing there, heartbroken. Leaving behind all the memories of their past, taking with her only a few things.

Her pride, her belongings, her broken heart, but most importantly a child within her, that she was ready to tell him they were having that day before her world came crumbling down.

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