6- Caught You

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Collin's POV

A week before the party

"Her name's Terra?" I asked Maggie, who I now know is Terra's best friend... And that my mate's name is Terra. Wow, what a beautiful name for such a beautiful person. . . or so I feel.

"Yes. And that's all I'm telling you about her. I'm still her best friend and what we share in that friendship is sacred and mustn't be broken. Even telling you her name and that she's your mate is really pushing it," she responded, worried.

Maggie, Evan, and I were in a coffee shop at the outskirts of town. It was the day after I had met her at the ice cream shop with Evan, and after she confessed to me she knew who my mate was. It took everything in my not to demand her to let me see Terra in that very moment. I mean, my wolf was all but howling at the thought. But Maggie convinced me that it was a bad idea and that she had a better one, a plan that will allow me to finally catch my mate without ever letting go.

"The only reason I'm telling you is because I want Terra to be happy more than anything," I knew she was a good friend who was torn between her friend's trust and happiness. She really cared about Terra and I was grateful she was not only in Terra's life but throwing me this bone.

"I totally understand, Maggie. And I can't thank you enough for doing this. I really appreciate it. I want her happiness more than anything too." I say. . . even if she might not be happy with me.

A pain started to grow in my chest. 'Don't you dare think such a thing.' My wolf exclaimed.

I didn't like the thought either, obviously, but there is a reason Terra is running and I just want to understand her, to get to know her, all of her, both body and mind, to love her, to care for her, to know she'll be safe in my arms, to convince her that we were literally made for each other, to-- okay, need I go on?

"You're welcome," she took a sip out of her coffee. "Now, that being said, I know you're the Alpha's son and everything but I'm warning you, if you ever so much as decide to hurt one little hair on her curly head, I won't hesitate in ripping you apart, limb from limb and feeding it to my wolf for breakfast." She said, leaning forward with a raised brow and stern look.

Geesh, this girl wasn't kidding. "Trust me. I wouldn't even dream of it." If she only knew that I would run in front of traffic before I would ever even think about hurting Terra.

"Wow, that was sexy, babe. I love it when you get all bad ass." Evan was admiring Maggie, with love and lust in his eyes.

"Well prepare to have a boner all the time babe, because I'm a bad ass 24/7." She smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before she turned to me with her game face on and said, "Okay, now it's time to get to business. So about my plan."

"What did you have in mind? And why couldn't we meet somewhere closer to home? I mean, I've been waiting for too long now, Maggie. Tell me, please." I demanded.

"Slow your roll, big boy. I needed to know you were serious about her first before I told you anything. Now that I know you have good intentions, I can finally tell you my big plan. And we couldn't run the risk of Terra seeing us now, could we? Drum roll please." Evan started to drum his fingers on the table while rolling his tongue to make the drum sound.

"Next week there's a party. It's the last hoorah before school starts and I was thinking there is where you two could finally meet without her escaping. Terra hates parties so the first thing she'll do is find an escape," Big surprise. "Somewhere she can be alone. She hates feeling socially awkward. Then when she finds that somewhere, that's when I'll introduce her to Evan. The distraction. Next, Evan will come get you and you two will finally meet on the dance floor, where you will have your first romantic dance and ride off into the moonlight together." She laughed.

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