Sleep Now In The Fire

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Sleep Now In The Fire

He felt colder without Jericho's bracelet on his wrist. The Gotham breeze pricked at the sensitive skin. He rubbed the untanned patch of skin as Jason came riding up on his motorcycle.

Wade's brows scrunched up. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," He deadpanned as Jason pulled off his helmet. Wade couldn't help but to bite his lips at the sight of Him.

The sable mop sprouting from Jason's head fell messily about. The tresses folded to cup his sharp cheekbones. His evergreen eyes sparkled. The pout on his lips lifted into a smile despite the split down the middle. The red flesh nearly as ruby as his leather jacket.

Wade found himself wondering just what Jason had gotten up to during his time in Marais. He realized he was staring when it was too late. That was just his luck, though. Of course it was gonna go to Jason's head. He's Jason-freaking-Todd.

Jason licked his lips. "Does it look like I'm kidding, Babe?" Retorted the smug bastard. "Get on."

"This thing is a literal death trap. Why couldn't you pick me up in a car?" He asked, arms crossed.

"Oh, I'm sorry Princess, did you want me to buy you a chariot?" Jason asked. He pumped his boots on the kickstand and tucked his helmet under his arm.

Wade rolled his eyes and flipped Jason off. "Fuck you," He fired back, though he smiled anyway. He couldn't fucking help it if he tried. "What if I had luggage?"

Jason scoffed. "I know you by now. You have the whole beatstick, wear leaves over your crotch vibe." He teased.

"I see you found a few jokes while I was away," Wade muttered. Gravity had pulled him a few steps closer to Jason without him realizing. Not until he could practically taste Jason's lips from where he stood. He licked his lips, and that only made him want to lick Jason's more.

Jason snorted, his cheeks turning pink, "Thinking of ways to keep up with you, that's all." He murmured, as he caught Wade studying his lips. He shrugged, playing it cool, though his cheeks stung deeper.

Wade cocked his head to the side. "You were thinking about me, Todd?" His eyes flicked into Jason's. He looked up and chuckled at Jason's blush. He was grateful he'd crossed his arms, or else his heart would've beat a hole in his chest.

"I'm always thinkin' of you," Jason said the words and they felt like a relief. He had to get them out. He knew there was a good chance Wade would pull back, but maybe he wouldn't? Maybe he felt the same way?

In the same breath, Jason knew there was nothing uncertain about it. He knew Wade felt it. He had to.

Wade's lips burned from the smile creased there. He forced an uneven laugh, eyes flicking to the cracked asphalt. He shook his head and peered back up to Jason's face, only to discover he'd never looked away.

"You can sweet talk all you want, I'm still not getting on that bike," He resisted a little longer. He never could go quietly.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Get your ass on the bike, Isley, or else I'll run your ass over." The empty threat did little convincing; and his stern glare lasted but a second. He was smiling again by the time Wade registered a word.

Wade scoffed. "Oh, please, Jay; I'll wipe the floor with you and you know it."

"Hey," Began Jason as he raised his gloved hands, careful of the helmet tucked in his pit. "As long as I end up underneath you," He finished with the wag of his brows.

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